Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Bhagawan...

Yada Yada hi Dharmasya Glanirbhavathi Bharatha Abhydhanam Adharmasya Tadaatmanam Srujamyaham Paritranaya Saadhoonam Visasayacha Dushkrithaam Dharma Samsthapanarthaya Sambhavaami Yuge Yuge

Bhagawan declares thus that he occurs to this world whenever there is decay of Dharma in this world.

It could be an over stretching of imagination if I try to liken Kejriwal with Bhagawan. Bhagawan was all powerful. He could do everything. The Sudarshana chakram was his strength, although he very rarely used it.

The modern day Bhagawan does not possess a Sudarshan but nevertheless, he has the powerful weapons like honesty and integrity. These virtues are expected to be inborn things in every Indians, because our genes are inherited from great men and women. Still, spotting an honest person has become extremely difficult in our country. The capital state of our country was fast slipping into abyss. Those who were responsible have simply trained their eyes to the public coffers.

Kejriwal appeared the scene exactly at the right time. Nation was desperately waiting for a saviour. To be precise, the people of Delhi were waiting for it. They wanted to break loose of the strangle hold of the long rudderless dispensation. An honest man with sincerity to bring about change was received by the people of Delhi with both hands.....

I lost somewhere here. Much water has flown in Yamuna after I stopped here. He left the job before getting down to serious business. He told he acted against Reliance. He wanted Lok Pal enacted. He wanted other parties to support him. He insisted it was the duty of other political parties to support him. Somehow, he messed up the things and in a fit of anger, he threw away the thorn. Shocking. 49 days old revolution that all went waste. It looked at one point of time that Reliance was the root cause of all problems faced by the people of Delhi! The Bhagavan thought  that the purpose of this avatar was to annihilate Reliance

Suddenly the Lok Sabha polls arrived. He wanted to throw his hat in the ring. Some elitists who proclaimed themselves as aam admi created an impression that Kejriwal is a Prime Minister stuff. The gruelling electioneering is over. Now, the exit poll has also come. Interestingly, there looks to be not even a single seat for AAP. As the final result pours in on 16th May, one flash in the pan will certainly disappear. The dream of a section of the society that sincerely wished to usher in positive changes in our country will sit back in front of the televison sets and watch with excruciating dismay how the "Bhagavan" of modern days was undone due to his own mistakes....

Still, it is unfair to call him a Don Quixote. He must be saluted for the courage and nerves he showed to turn the mirror on the rotten political and social set up of our country

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Kuttan. That was how he was popularly known as. We never cared to know his official name. Since he has never been to a class room, no one ever got to know his original name. The fact was that, like any uninformed village parents of poor back ground, his were too never bothered about sending him to a school. No child would like to be confined to the four walls of a room. Those days, the children made to sit on the hard floor of the class rooms. A serious looking adult, wielding a cane stick in one hand and a book in the other was a discomforting scene to any child. This adult was called teacher. Kuttan in our view was a lucky guy because no one forced him to wake up in the morning, get ready, take a slate and walk to the school. Even the vitamin rich lunch served in the school in the noon temped kuttan and his parents

He roamed about in our locality like a free bird. He had an envious distinction of being free from all those hardships in school. But there was a kid always attached to him. He carried the child as if a kangaroo carried its baby. He ran with us carrying the baby. The baby sat perfectly on his hip. He played hide and seek with us. He played "Thief and Police" with us. Whatever he did, the baby was an essential part. The baby had running nose. At any given time we could see two tusk like thing protruded out of the two holes of the baby's nose. Kuttan tried to clean it every time he spotted these "tusks". We children never liked this baby because he was a spoil sport. Whenever Kuttan tried to put the baby on the ground, she screamed at her lungs' full capacity. The image of a little boy running with other young children carrying a little child is still fresh in my mind.

Kuttan took his duty of looking after the baby so sincerely. It was his younger sister. His mother eked out a living by doing petty jobs. His grand mother too helped get some more paltry income. Where was his father? We wondered, but never bothered to find out. The life progressed as is usual in a village life. As time passed bye, the baby grew a little. By that time, Kuttan's mom gifted him a little brother. Dileep was his name. Everything was the rewind of what we have been seeing so far. The same running nose. The same Kuttan with the same half trousers that is fixed on the hip by tying the front part of the trousers. For an average rustic child, keeping the knicker in its position was a hard task as its repeated use would have taken away the buttons long time back.

 Dileep ran with us, mounted on Kuttan's hip for another few months. We believed it was only a few months, but it could be more than a year. The third one had arrived! Dinesh. And then after a few more months, Satheesh. Kuttan brought each one of them with the same enthusiasm and sincerity. He never complained. He ran home carrying the child when we all heard a call from him home- "eda Kuttaaaaa...."

Remembering Kuttan, one incident can never be forgotten. It was routine to enact im-promtu drama when we go out to play. One day Nanu, as usual, used his limited imagination to create a small drama. In one scene, Nanu's character asks Kuttan's character : " Where is Kittu?". Pat came the reply from Kuttan : "Kittu ippa anga poye ollu"!! That was how he delivered the dialogue. It was not in the script. The translation of this dialogue that he delivered in typical Cherthala slang is Kittu has just left! This is the dialogue that was 'hallmarked" in the memories of our beloved friend Kuttan

As the time passed by, everyone grew up. Stepped into adolescence and then deeply ensconced in finding a way forward in life. Kuttan's many friends failed to clear the first big hurdle- the 10th examinations. Nothing affected Kuttan. By that time Deepa, Dileep, Dinesh and Satheesh became big enough to walk independently. Like their eldest brother, they followed the same path that their beloved brother walked. The beaten bath, we should say. He has not become an achiever, if achievement means S class sedan, a posh villa in the outskirts of a city, a job that fetches a fat remuneration and a nuclear family that does not care for the outside world. Yes,he was a miserable failure when we use this yardstick to measure success.

Kuttan is the victim of his parents' indifference. It is quiet disturbing to think that his parents, rather than thinking of his welfare, were more concentrated on bringing in more members to their family. As the population increased in the family, the resources had to be divided among all the members. This brought down the overall progress of that family. Kuttan still walks on the earth, without a good job and earnings. His standard of living could have been improved if his parents thought of school. The story could have been entirely different if his parents stopped at the birth of Deepa

Look at the other side. There, children are born with silver spoons in their mouth. Those who could afford, take their pregnant wives to USA to give birth to an American citizen. The care and comfort the well to do parents shower on their children is a matter for envy. They send their children to the best school in the locality. The children live a worry less life. The affectionate papa uses his credit cards to make the child's life a bed of roses. Still, there are so many parents in this world where parents just ignore how their children grow up. It is not ignorance but the lack of time to look after their children's interest. They have lot to worry about like bank balance, promotions and increments. In the quest for professional achievements, they may hardly get time for their children. But, their children never become a Kuttan because, the power of money buys them a medical or engineering seat anywhere in the world. 

By the way, I should mention an incident that may not necessarily link to what has been written above. One day while watching the Mahabharat TV serial, my 11 years old son asked me when will Ravanan appear! There is where our life has reached now. Never mind, I shall push him to the maximum to get A+ in his examinations. Even if he does not get it, I will ensure that he joins a premier professional college and become successful in his life. What business Ravanan has got in these scheme of things?

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