Monday, March 28, 2011


What a paradox! Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. Still, supervisor wants to become manager, Manager wants to become General Manager, General Manager wants to become a member of the board of directors. Many are more than happy to crawl if they are asked to just bend to achieve their ambition. The rulers kill their own people to cling on to the chair. They crush their own people under the battle tanks to remain in power.

Secularism in its broad meaning is non patronizing of any religion. Giving equal place to every faith without giving any special consideration to any religion. Still, our scular political parties, while distributing party tickets to the candidates for election consider only caste and religious equations first. Ramesh Chennithala represents Nair community and AK Antony represents the Christian Church! They both drink, eat and sleep secularism everyday! Sadly, they never take any trouble to deny this tag on them and publicly declare that they do not represent any interest group. Church has already thanked Left leaders to allocate tickets to their representatives.

Pakistan’s single point agenda is Kashmir. They keep this issue always alive to keep the already bigoted Pakistani people always focused on only religious issues rather than their basic necessities like food, cloth and shelter. Our PM invites their leader to watch a cricket match in India. He hopes, this will help improve relations between the two countries. Since the birth of Pakistan, our foreign ministers and Foreign secretaries had only one job- talk , talk and again talk with Pak to improve bilateral relations. For everyone’s record, please note, our foreign ministers and foreign secretaries could achieve nothing great for our country since independence. They could not obtain permanent membership for India in UN. In the war against terrorism, Pakistan gets priority. Where do India stand? Just like eating a cake, UN resolutions are passed. Why the voice of the largest democracy is not heard there in the UN assembly?

Those who don’t have to fear police fear them the most. The ones who need to fear them don’t even care for them. Ironically, police fear this section and try their best not to rub them on the wrong side. There are many brave and sincere police officers in our country but they are outnumbered by the bad ones.

Look at the picture on the right side. People carrying their foot wears in their hands. This picture was taken inside the premises of Vaikom Mahadevar temple recently when I visited the temple. Carrying footwers to the temple! Temples, for that matter any other places of worship, is meant for spiritual reformation and eventual attainment of ‘moksha’ from this mortal life. . If the soul cannot even leave a pair of foot wears, then how will it leave the body itself? How can these people achieve ‘moksha’? There are a few famous temples like this in Keralam where we can see such obnoxious scenes. I wish the temple authorities took action to avoid such unsavoury acts by the devotees inside the sacred places.

In 2008, Indian space scientists launched ten satellites in a single launcher. . GSLVs, Cryogenic theory, Mission Mars…Indian scientists are straining their every nerves to achieve progress in this – to lead the nation forward. On the other side, a caste group is on the streets of Rajastan to force the Government declare them backward!


  1. huh... uncle, y have u mixed 4 different events into 1 blog !!!

    it seems to b incomplete..

  2. no continuity in this blogs i think u r not in good moods, do u have any problem with ur wife when u write this blog?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You should’ve given separate headings for each para so that the reader could know switch in topics.

    Just a few musings!?

    It’s that 'Aham' (me, mine, myself) which is the culprit. Let’s have We-Us-Ours attitude, and all the evils are gone!

  5. My dear ones, Please see the first line. I have just tried to narrate a few incidents of incohesivensses in the happenings around us. The examples are not continuation of events. They are four different incidents that have only one thing in common- paradox. It has nothing to do with 'aham' or a bad bad patch with my sweetheart that turns bitter at times


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