Monday, September 12, 2011

Some News...some views...

Ten years passed after the gruesome attacks on the twin towers in USA. At the time of the greatest crisis USA faced in their history, the entire nation stood together. They never played politics or tried to find how much mileage each political party could derive out of this tragedy. Perhaps this was the biggest advantage they got. So far they could prevent any untoward incidents after this tragedy. I only wish USA remains stronger as ever.

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In Egypt, Israel's embassy has been attacked by protesters. The envoy has been forced to leave the country. Obviously,this gives a very dangerous message to Egypt. After the revolution a few months back that ousted Mubarak from power, things look to be going wrong there. One need not be faulted with if he/she thinks that some extremist elements have intruded into administration that stokes anti-Israel sentiments and instigate violence. Religious extremism that was under strict control during the Mubarak regime rears its ugly head in an anarchic situation prevailing there. I only wish the land of pyramids should never slip into the hands of bigoted religious extremists and become another Afghanistan

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Strauss Kahn was the boss of IMF. Suddenly he had to resign his post. The reason was an allegation of sexual harassment raised by a lady. Kahn was arrested by police and incarcerated for months together. After the trial in court, now he has been acquitted as the charges leveled by the woman could not be proven. A malicious allegation broke his career. Imagine the agony he would have gone through in this difficult times. Anyway he is all set to contest the presidential elections in France. Let us wait and see if he becomes the president.

The Kahn episode reminds us of many things in our country. Allegations run thick and fast. Without even checking if an iota of fact involved in them media shoulders them, start panel discussions and the person who is in the eye of the storm is forced to resign his post. The law of the land takes over the case. The judiciary that moves at a snail's pace decides his/her culpability/innocence after twenty odd years.

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I am a proud Malayali. But many times I do not feel proud about the actions of Malayalees elsewhere in the world. One latest example that made me so unpleasant is the controversy surrounding the singer Shreya Goshal. The young Malayali singers question the move by the music directors to invite her to sing Malayalam songs. They content that there is no dearth of talent in Keralam and hence no need of importing singers

The same Malayali singers go to other states and sing in other languages. Shreya Goshal is a renowned singer in Tamil and many other languages. How can Malayali singers object her entry to Malayalam? It is sad to see that Malayalees who fan across the world always harbour a narrow line of thinking when 'outsiders' come to work in Keralam....

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