Friday, October 21, 2011

Some News....Some Views....3

The happiest news is coming from Sudan. After bloody violence that lasted decades, the people of Sudan have started tasting peace. Sudan is now two countries. South Sudan and Sudan. Recently the leaders of both the countries sat across the table and decided to sort out all the contentious issues through dialogues.

The heartening thing is that they no longer believe that violence can solve any issues. Any thing that brings about peace in Africa must be received with both hands. It is always a pain to see images of suffering people of the Dark Continent.

"After decades of fighting for independence from the north, southern Sudan seceded on July 9, 2011 and became the Republic of South Sudan.

In June 2011, Sudanese Army and its allied militias began an unsparing rampage to crush rebel fighters in the Nuba Mountains of central Sudan, bombing thatch-roofed villages, executing elders, burning churches and pitching another region of the country into crisis, according to United Nations officials and villagers who have escaped..............."

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This is certainly not the death this man sad
Muammur Gaddaffi is dead. Though he was reckless in his actions, it was so saddening to see him dying like a mad dog. He was a good friend of India and we all know him from our childhood.

It is highly unbecoming of a military ruler, who made Libya his personal fiefdom with all might for 42 long years,  to run away and hide like a coward in a drainage pipe. He should have died an honourus death eaither by shooting himelf or getting killed in a battle. Even an ordinary warrior loves to die this way if cornered. This is extremely shameful for a dictator like Gaddaffi.

 He was pulled out of a hole by the rebels. Saddam Hussain was also hiding in a hole. I could not watch fully the disturbing footage of his final moments. How cruel men can become!

As the strongman till the otheday was being lynched, the assilants were heard shouting God's name several times. I wonder why they invoked God's name while snubbing out a life that was created by the God Himself.

(If God created man or man created God is still a subject matter of dicussions. Though I am a big fan of God, given a chance, I love to believe that man created God!!)

If Gaddaffi's killers were so fond of God, they would have allowed God to do what He wanted to do with Gaddaffi. People all over the world, irrespective of religion, use God's name to justfy whatever sins they do. God is made a mere spectator in all their deeds. What can He do, when He Himslef needs protection from His followers?

Killing a person is not so uncommon in the modern age. Just like sipping a cup of coffee, people kill fellow human beings. But, if anyone has any respect for the God, never use His name while dispensing instant justice on others. No God will like killing for sure

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The baby shower is over. The most beautiful woman of the world is about to deliver a baby soon. Let us wish her good luck. It is heartening to see that the Bachan family is maintaining strict privacy around the pregnancy and a thick veil over the baby bump.

A dirty picture is evolving in Bollywood. It is a movie based on the life of the earstwhile actor Silk Smitha. Vidya Balan exposes everything in this movie. The trailors of the movie sugget this. Do we need such dirty pictures in our society? Better we ignore them instead of fretting and fuming at such stereo typed vulgar display of flesh.

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How many of us know that there is a massive protest going on in USA named Occuppy Wall Street? People are protesting against economic inequalities in America.

Though the goings on in one of the most democratic countries is not extensively covered by the media, even in India, this event is being celebrated by the Chinese media. The government controlled English News channel gives so much of insight into the happenings there.

(Of late, it is increasingly clear that media in democratic countries are becomiing more and more obedient to the ruling class either for their business benefit or personl beneit of certain persons. Paid news is not a rare event in this age where people of so many countries are craving for a ray of independence)

"Occupy Wall Street, a cause that began as a small band of protesters in Zuccotti Park, has gained international recognition with protests spreading to London and an Egyptian activist addressing the crowd in New York Saturday. " ...............

"..........Since starting Sept. 17, Occupy Wall Street has gained endorsements from major unions and progressive leaders as well as prominent politicians. The group is growing so quickly that protesters marched to Washington Square Park Saturday to discuss expanding to other sites. It has survived police crackdowns in Seattle and mass arrests in New York. Within a few short weeks, it has come to resemble a movement, with more than 900 meetups in 900 cities across the country. 'Occupiers' have erected tent cities in town squares and held rallies in front of city halls........."

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  1. I learnt about split-up of Sudan while checking on the number of member countries of UN recently. It is 192 now. Do we live in a global village, anyway?
    Sigh… Gaddafi… poor soul.
    It was a king’s life with a dog’s death. Yellings of somebody were also reportedly heard in the killing din- DON’T KILL HIM!!! Yes, God didn’t want it to happen too. I personally feel he should’ve been tried.
    Flesh is a commodity. Be it Bollywood or Hollywood. It sells.
    Occupy Wall Street? That’s interesting!


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