Friday, November 25, 2011

Some news...Some views -6

Sowmya killer gets death sentence. The judgment is most welcome. More important and heartening fact in the entire episode is that justice is delivered in just six months after the incident took place. The culprit has been arrested, charges framed, tried and sentence pronounced at lightning speed. 

This is a beauty of our justice system. Though we blame on our system more often, if there is a will, cases can be disposed of in a matter of a few months. A beggar like Govindachami has people behind him including a government doctor. Now his supporters are taking the case to the higher courts.

 If all the higher courts endorse the sentence, government shall execute the punishment with top priority before some interest groups or any state assembly stands up in unison to demand clemancy to this killer. We are living in a world where the terrorists and murderers get more support and Human Rights privileges than the victims.

Sowmya’s tragedy sends a very strong message to the parents of girl children in our country, especially in the God’s Own Country. Send your girl children to martial arts classes. Physics ,Maths and Dance Classes can wait. Self defense is most important. Had Sowmya known a little bit of Karate or Kung fu, she would never have died such a horrible death at the hand of a one handed beggar. Remember, arithematcis and algebra had never helped her there, sadly….

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PPF and Post office savings will fetch more interest from December 1, 2011 onwards. That is really a good news. In the present scenario, investing in schemes like PPF is wiser than going after mutual funds and share markets.

Maximum of Rs 100000 can be deposited in Public Provident Fund (ppf) in an year. The minum amount to be deposited every year is just Rs 100 in order to keep the account live. Our savings can be deposited to the ppf account any time like in a savings account. PPF account can be opened in a State Bank of India branch and we can deposit money through internet banking also.

"The government today decided to increase the interest on Public Provident Fund (PPF) deposits to 8.6 per cent from 8 per cent, and raise the annual investment ceiling to Rs 1 lakh from Rs 70,000. The new rates will be effective December 1.

The finance ministry has also reduced the maturity period for Monthly Income Scheme (MIS) and National Savings Certificate (NSC) from 6 years to 5. The rate of interest paid under Post Office Savings Account is up from 3.5 per cent to 4."

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Another theory in Physics is poised to crash. Till now we have been taught that no particle in the universe can travel faster than light. Now, the latest experiments reveal that thare are particles that can travel faster than light.

The particles, the scientists call Neutrinos travel at a speed of ...meters per second that that is 60 nano seconds fatser than light. Scientists in France and Italy are re-confirming their finding and it is a matter of time the century old Einstein's theory is corrected.

"The neutrino news came from a group of physicists based at the Gran Sasso underground laboratory in Italy and doing business under the apt acronym OPERA. The neutrinos, they reported on September 23 in a paper and at a special symposium at CERN, the European Center for Nuclear Research, had beaten a metaphorical light beam from CERN to Gran Sasso, a distance of 457 miles, by 60 nanoseconds."

Let us hold our breath. E = MC2 may not remain the same in the near future

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  1. Wonder what happened to Muthoot murder case!
    Better to watch the movie City of God!!
    Martial arts is always good for self defence and keeping fit.
    Better invest in Gods own country than PPF...
    Waiting for comments about 51% FDI and chinese exploring the indian markets with the new retail outlets.....Would chinese go for the kill in retail sector of India?
    Communist China and Russia is least affected by Recession, Natesan to respond...

  2. Dear Nut-Ji,

    Please add links to the sources where you get the news for which you comment -



  3. An earth-like planet is found 600 light years away. Can we reach it with this speed? It's like asking for too much, I know. Sky is no more 'THE' limit!

    Why, Shah? Gods own country pays one back faster? :-)

    Yeah Nuttji,
    Moral standards are at an ebb. We ought to fight it out.


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