Thursday, March 8, 2012

Some News...Some Views -16

There are different kinds of Bandhs in our country. Ever since the court ruled that Bandh is illegal, the name has been changed to Hartal. Now, Hartal is observed area wise. Ward harthal, Pachayat hartal, Taluk harthal, District hartal and state wide harthal. People in Keralam virtually celebrate harthals on a daily basis.

Harthals are now patronised by the people themselves. Little effort needs to be put by the organisers of the strike to make a harthal a total success. They have to just announce the date of harthal. No need to give a reason for which they call for a harthal. People taken the call with both the hands and ensure that not even a single public transport vehicle hit the road on that day.

Click the link :Harthal in Kerlam

People on the eve of the harthal day go on shopping spree, collect all essentials.Gear up for the big day that follows. The most essential things for the dwellers of the God's Own Country are IMFL and beef.

People make longer than normally long queues in front of the Beverages Corporation outlets very patiently to collect the main thing that makes a harthal day a celebration. It is really saddening and even shocking to see the people so obsessed with strikes and harthals in a state that was blessed with abundant natural resorces and sceneic beauty. 

February 28, 2012 was the mega strike day. Almost all trade unions called for a general strike on that day all across the country. The strike was only successful in Keralam. It did not evoke much response even in West Bengal. Here is a picture on the right side that was taken at 9 am on the stike day in Chennai

There will never be any control over harthals in Keralam. People are used to it. In fact they crave for it. They get what they deserve.

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The Indian hockey teams are qualified for the Olympics. 2012 Olympics is round the corner. The controversy surrounding the Dow Chemicals is yet to settle. Dow is otherwise called Union Carbide-the killer company that caused death of thousands of people way back in Bhopal. There is increasing demand for India to mark their protest against Dow sponsoring the Olympics.

Nothing will happen. No one is going to listen to India's voice. Here, human life is the cheapest commodity. Death and distruction are nothing so big in our country. More over, we never have any diplomatic clout over any major players in the international politics.

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No Commander gets into a war that he is sure to lose. Here, the young and dynamic commander led the war right from the front, without even knowing the terrain or the enemy. The more shocking thing was that he used some of the most ineffective cannons like Digvijaya Singh and Salman Khurshid to fire at the enemies.

 The result was nothing unexpected. Now, the Gujarat election will take place in the end of this year and the parliament election sooner than expected. We can only pray, the same team that campained in UP does it again in the forthcoming elections. If people like Rahul, Digvijaya Singh and Salman Khurshid are there, Congress Party does not need any enemies!

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It is better we leave those Italian maries to Italian justice. It is hard to believe that Italy do not have any criminal justice system that does not have punishment for murder. They will do speedy trial and hand out justice in a more systematic, professional and less corrupt way.

The hue and cry we raise over the killing of the fishermen is much disproportionate with the value we ourselves give to a human life in our country. Hundreds of people are killed in road acidents in our country everyday. 99% of all these accidents are happening due to sheer negligence. The people at the wheels give no value to human lives.

Look at the way five young men were shot dead in Chennai. They were suspected to have participated in two bank robberies in Chennai. No concrete evidence about it.

The police did not even know who were holed up in that apartment when they knocked the door. They delivered instant justice...death sentence for suspected bank robbery! The more shocking fact is that men on the street sound to be approving of such reckless acts by the powers that be. What happens tomorrow if the police knock my door??? Frightening....

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It looks, Albert Einstein is still right. There is no particle that can travel faster than light. The 'discovery' by some French scientists that, particles called Neutrinos could travel faster than light looks to be wrong.

They blame it on the equipment for faulty measurement of speed of neutrinos. They raised a hoax and became famous. Anyway, the immortal scientist is unbeatble. Long live Einstein...

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Team Anna lost its face in this elections. Arvind Kejrival and Sisodia, the most vocal members of the team failed to vote in the UP elections. This implies that Anna and his team do not beileve in democracy.

In that case they can join Naxalites or the proponants of the idea of Martial rule in our country and stage an armed struggle. I regret my act of going hungry for a full day when Anna sat on fast in Delhi a few months back

It looks Anna thinks with his heart rather than with his brain.....

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