Saturday, November 3, 2012

Some News...Some Views - 17

I sat frozen. The images of the killer of the nine months old girl in US made me numb. I felt once again ashamed of being a himan being. My fellow human being killed the 60 years old grandmother of the kid before kidnapping the child. He then killed the child too after he failed to extract the ransom money.
How cruel a man can be? This is a cold blooded murder committed with a view to earn some money. For him money was above the lives of two people. It is really shocking to see a child being killed like this. We can only hope the US Government takes appropriate action to see him punished expemplarily. He should live in the civilised society as a symbol of evil. Looking at him, the prospective criminals should think twice before setting out for perpetrating violance on innocent people.

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The killer of Norway too got his punishment. Remember the massacre in Norway an year back? A mentally "sane" young man influenced by some extremeist ideologies attached people on the street. He even attacked young studenst who were attending a seminar. The total death was nearly 100 and many many others were injured. The injured may be living a traumatic life for the rest of their life. Still, he got just 21 years imprisonment. The Norwegian law permits the maximum punishment of only 21 years. The interesting thing about the judgement is that, the court has ruled him sane. The prosecution argued for declaring him insane and send him to mental asylum whereas the defence argued that he is sane. The court accepted the defence's contention.

Read more about the this here :

May the heartless killer remain incarcerated for the rest of his life. At the same time, a few of the hard core criminals and mass murderes are enjoying in our jails. They represent a small group of caste, religious or political entities. These tiny groups are able to twist the arms of the government and deny the execution of punishments to these mindless killers.

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Jayapraksh got a new job. Nothing so great in it prima facie. But I am elated. I met him way back in 1997 in Chennai. Since then we have very warm relation. After a few years of working together, we went in different directions in our career. He later joined a construction company in Chennai as a materials manager. Recently, a brainwave occured inside his little big head and the result of it was a change of job. He resisted all offers by his employer to retain him in their fold. He joined a new set up in Chennai. Unfortunately, it was a bad step he put forth. He found himself out of the new employment within a month of his joining there.

I felt sad about it. I criticised him about the wrong step he took in quitting the comfortable job with the previous employer. He left for his home in Keralam with a heavy heart. Like him, I too was very anxious to see him earned an employment at the earliest.

Barely after three weeks of reaching home, he called me. An exulted Jayaprakash played a music to my ears. He got a job near his home. He got a job in Keralam!

I envy him now. That is a dream I too papmer in a corner of my heart for long. I have not stayed at my home village for more than a month after I passed out of my college. How beautiful it could be if I am able to walk from my home to my work place in Olavaipe! I always dream of a walk along the partitions between the paddy fields that wears a green canopy of richness. The white cranes dot the greenery to enhance the beauty. This will not remain a dream for ever. I will follow my friend Jayaprakash's foot steps sooner or sooner. Even if it is impossible to find a job in my village, I shall find a job somewhere in Keralam and happily settle down there with whatever remunaration I get. Otherwise, why can't I follow the people who are featured in the "krishideepam" episodes in Asianet Television? Iwonder tomyself, why such thoughts never kreep into my mind so often!

Here, In the case of Jayaprakash:
Whatever happened, happened for good.
Whatever is happening, is happening for good.
Whatever will happen, that will be for good as well.

I wish him good luck.
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Rajath Gupta will go to jail. From the board room to jail room is a pathetic journey by a talented personality in the business field. He was orphaned in his teens. Still he came up with his own talent and hard work and reached the top of everything that is conneccted with business. Still, something terribly went wrong for him. Though I felt sad about his present day situation, a crime is a crime and knowingly or unknowingly he committed one. Law took its course. Let the boss serve his punsihment and come out as a reformed person. I hope he will contribute to the world in a better way after he come out of the jail. May the society pardon hi for his mistakes once he returns fro the prison

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There was a turbulance in Pakistan recently. Nothing unusual in Pakistan however. This time it was in connection with the attack on a 14 year old girl in the Swath area of Pakistan. Swath is a very beautiful hilly area bordering Afghanistan. This is a stronghold of Taliban. Taliban is  denying education to the girls in this area. Girls were not allowed to go to school. Girls schoo;s are either closed or distroyed by the extremists there.  The girl, Malala opposed and she strongly campaigned against this injustice . The angry Taliban shot her but she survived the attack.

One heartening thing in this unfortunate incident is that the civilised society in Pakistan stood up and condemned this cowardly act by a handful of mentally disturbed men. This is an opportunity the civil society in that country to cease of and try to bring peace and harmony in Pakistan. Let there be a concerted attempt by all peace loving people in Pakistan to denounce Taliban and other extremist ideologies.

Surprisingly, the intelluctual class, some politicians who have opinion about anything under the sun and the Human Rights groups were deafenigly silent in India over this issue. What could be the reason?

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This is funny. Watch the video :

The girl got an apology from the National Public Radio (NPR) for the inconvenice. I only wonder if the little girl is so tired of two politicians in a big country like US, what would the kids of our country feel about the situation here? They are being driven mad everyday. Be it a religious festival, a rally by various organizations or a procession by various religious or political groups, it is miserable state of affairs even for the elders here every day.

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