Thursday, May 9, 2013

Forty Plus

A pigeon sits close to my office room and coos everyday for a long time. That sound has a special soothing effect. This species of doves seen on Das Island is something different from what we see in our place. The coo also sounds more pleasant than the native ones. I enjoy its sound while working. The dove is so happy. It need not review the earthing layout of the plant nor should it worry about the schematic diagram of the emergency shutdown system. It gets its food in time. There are ample facilities in this earth for it to live comfortably and they live perfectly in tune with the nature. That was what the God kept in His mind when he sat down to create life in earth. Unfortunately one of His products went miserably wrong. Now He pays the price for that mistake..

I have been overwhelmed by the birthday greetings. So many insurance companies, banks, mutual fund managers and property developers sent me greetings beside a few of my friends. Look, how affectionate these money spinners are! They sincerely remember my birthday. For me, every birthday is a harsh reminder of the fact that I am older by one year. Yes, I am getting old. How difficult it is to hide the age! Dhatri Herbal Hair Care oil or Indulekha Hair Care oil- which oil to choose to control greying? Options are a lot in the market, but a small bottle of this magic medicine makes a big hole in the pocket. It keeps the hope but the greying goes on unchecked. Painful to see the ageing process. Oh no, I don't want to see this. I stopped looking at the mirror of late. There are so many middle aged men roaming about here with pitch dark hair. How they struggle to blacken it with various dyes is not a secret. Their looks tell everything at the first sight itself. The very thought of that scenario to be faced by me a few years later makes me a bundle of nerves. It reminds me another fact of life, this enthusiasm, one-upmanship or the pride in one's self just can't sustain forever. I have to bite the bullet one day, and I may better be ready for it...

Incidentally I must cite a story here, though not much related to the context of this essay. During the life in exile, one day the Pandava brothers went about searching water. One after the other went in search none of them returned with water. At last Yudhishtir went and to his shock, he found all the four younger brothers lying dead. The Yaksha, who tried to stop them  from drinking the water, failed to do so. Yudhishtir agreed to answer his questions before drinking water from the pool. The last question by Yaksha was : Who is truly happy? What is the greatest wonder? What is the path? And what is the news? One part of the question is "what is the greatest wonder?" To this question, Yudhishtir answers : "Day after day countless people die. Yet the living wishes to live forever. O Lord, what can be a greater wonder?" That is life...

Pangs of greying is disturbing but the reading correction glass that has lately perched on the nose gives a serious look to my easy go lucky image. With the spectacles lowered, throwing a look at the junior guys from just a little above the frame may give a feeling in their minds that this guy is a serious and knowledgeable stuff! A few grey lines in the moustache and many more in the head attract some kind of respect from others. But I do not enjoy the idea of becoming old. Let there be some magic potion on sale that can defy aging, I will be the first to buy it. It may not help me retreat to my mother's womb, but I can be seen young

By forty, the tummy makes it presence felt much more conspicuously than ever before. The symbol of laziness hereinafter becomes a companion and no one tries to put any serious efforts to get rid of it. So many men run, walk and go to gym to keep their tummies under check. But that is just a small per cent. The majority is so lethargic. Tummy, alas, does not come alone. Blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol and what not? Slowly but steadily, the lazy bodies offer a place to live for everyone that comes calling. The receding hairline compounds the pain. Still the silly oldies think, dyeing is enough to hide their age...I only hope, as the shadow grows longer, the much essential virtues like maturity, tolerance and compassion grow along and start spreading smiles and happiness to the society

I had spent 10 months inside my mother's womb. Then, for 10 to 12 years, I lived as a child that knew nothing. Remaining time, I lived thinking myself so high. The prospects of the remaining life is unknown. But, I am not perturbed about it. In reality, the life was truly a struggle. Many of the comforts I could enjoy now were  like a dream when I was younger. That time, I had the drive, fire in the belly and the urge to conquer everything. But somehow, fell short of the requirement at every war fronts. Still, the wonder that Yudhistir talked about made me say, never say die.

Now, I earn enough to lay my hands on the things that were so distant once upon a time. I can eat four square meals every day, without worrying about tomorrow's livelihood. The plastic cards in my wallet can buy anything I like, except love, respect and peace of mind! But, still, I am on diet. I cannot eat many things I like to eat. I must control food. A spoon of rice or an odd chapatti makes my meal presently. I am afraid of food. I suspect, anything that I eat can boost my blood sugar, cholesterol or pressure.  Sugar is dangerous, salt is dangerous, rice is dangerous and coconut oil is dangerous.  More than food, I rely on tablets for survival. Have I been living for this all these ages?

After forty, a man enters the stage Vanaprastha. According to the religious texts, the description of vanaprastha ashram is like this: "After the completion of one's household duties, one gradually withdraws from the world, freely shares wisdom with others, and prepares for the complete renunciation of the final stage". Writing on the wall is clear but my mind is still deeply ensconced in the grihasthashram!!


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