Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Cancer

Strict action will be taken against the people responsible. Rs 2 Lacs was announced as compensation for the deceased. Some babus will be suspended shortly. An enquiry commission will be formed. The commission members will be provided with five star facilities, big remunerations and all other perks. After a few days, this tragedy will get an unceremonious burial. By that time, a bigger tragedy would have struck elsewhere in the country. The suspended officials will quietly return to their jobs after enjoying some paid holidays called suspension. Shockingly, in our country, suspension is a synonym for paid holidays! The commssion will submit its "findings" at their convenience. The report will take its place somewhere in the shelf of a government office. 22 children lost their life, that is the ultimate truth in the  whole episode

I do not think a good part of the population came to know of the incident yet. Around two years back, one of my junior colleagues in Chennai narrated an incident to me. He has been travelling from Chennai Park Station to Chengalpattu, the satellite city of Chennai, by the sub-urban train. On the way, a group of youths embarked the train. One of them started giving a speech. He explained to the commuters that some twenty five years back, there was a horrible gas leak in Bhopal and a few thousand of people were killed in that. None of the responsible were punished yet. None of the victims got compensation yet. My colleague told me as if he heard of this incident first time. That is how the young generation looks at the events unfolding in their middle....

The children of Bihar are victims of another episode of corruption. The food inspector would have never visted any of the schools where, mid day meals are served. Sitting in the comfort of his "sarkari naukari" he would never have bothered to do his job. These babus have strong associations, mind you. They have influence in the power that be. No government in this country can do anything against them. Perhaps the greatest beneficiaries of democracy is this section of the society.

There are so many departments around us to exclusively for serving the public. Vehicle inspector ensures the safety of the vehicles on the road, police inspector takes care of the law and order,  health department worries so much about our health, umpteen number of other departments take care of our day to day welfare. Still, why is our lot not finding a sea change? There comes the corruption factor. With due respect to a good number of people who work so sincerely, no work in our country can move forward without greasing the palms of the babus- from the lowest to the highest in the hierarchy.

The ugly hands of corruption played a major part in one of the deadly bomb attacks in Mumbai in 1993. Policemen and other officers allowed smugglig of contraband materils by the terrorists. For this, the corrupt officials were paid heavily. In the bombing, hundreds died. Who cares? A few greedy men on duty pocketed a few lacs in exchange for the horror their benefactos unleashed

There is no caste, creed or religious barriers when it comes to corruption. All are united. While receiving an undeserved consideration, nobody feels the prick in the conscience. Every religion preaches good conduct, compassion and above all, sacrifice. I am sure, none of them are encouraging anything that have even remote resemblance to amassing wealth. When did we start thinking that we have to make money by any means? The religions that we swear by and ready to lay down our lives for, tell us about renunciation. It says, at death, we cannot even take with us the cloths we wear. Then why this greed?  Why don't we feel that we must keep the spirit of Satyameva Jayate inscribed on our National Emblem? I need no answers, because, I too am a part of this rotten set up.

"Hiranmayena Patrena Satyasya Pihitham Mukham" - perhaps this is the slogan the citizens of a country, that has a rich past, are inclined to follow in the 21st century


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