Sunday, September 15, 2013

Cruelty, thy name is human being!

At last justice has been dispensed with, in time. Well, that is how it looks to all, for now. Only time will tell if this judgement will be taken to its logical conclusion by the concerned parties. There are so many interest groups in our country that include some human rights organisations to change the course of law to the directions of their choice. Human beings from time immortal do not hesitate to do cruel acts on other living beings, be it their own fellow humans or helpless animals.

Cruelty is a part of the human mindset. When a chicken is caught from it narrow dingy cage by its wing, it makes desperate noise. Probably it does so out of pain. The butcher then puts it on the weighing balance. In the next moment, a knife dips into its neck. He immediately drops the bird into an empty drum where it writhes in pain for a few seconds....The buyers of the chicken meat watch, with shocking passiveness, all that is unveiling right in front of their eyes. Everyone enjoys the action as if they all see a comedy movie. In Pondicherry, goats are cut on the road side itself, nearby the make shift meat shops. In the world, in so far I have seen, only in our country, animal flesh is displyed on the road sides with blood still oozing out. Probably there will be some more countries like ours, but let us not compare our country with theirs

Those men in Delhi not only raped the young woman but did much more. They murdered her mercilessly. The only mistake she did was that she was born a woman. Of late, we are all realising with a big shiver in our bodies that, punishment for being woman is increasingly becoming barbaric as the modern world is progressing to 14th year. I never call these men animals, because animals can never be so cruel. They attack other animals only for food. Animals have sex only for sustaining life. Sex is a nature instilled process that never crosses the "red line".

Remember the phrase 'red line'? US president used this around an year back.  It was presumed to be as powerful as the legendary Lakshmana Rekha. The context was Syrian civil war. As feared by the world's most powerful man and also by the feeblest man on the Syrian streets, gas has been used. More than 400 children along with a few hundred adults died like cockroaches. Who did it? No idea, but we have some speculations so far.  The needle of suspecion is clearly pointing to the president of Syria. This is the way human psychology works. Once the balance of mind is upset, nothing is in his hands. Disaster is the outcome of such madness. Helpless human beings bear the brunt of such mindless violence.

The world now receives the news of Syrian response to the proposal to surrender the gas with great relief. It is not correct to use the term Syria, it should be the ruler of that poor country. At last, some sense is dawning in the killer President's head. The Russian president supports the reckless president, not the Syrian people, it looks. Dark clouds of war blow over. It is heartening, because, US has relented from yet another war. Let us all hope that the autocratic president surrenders his gas weapons along with presidency as early as possible. Syrians has enough of him. Let the US keep her pressure on the heartless dictator and his supporters till they abide by the rules of the game.

At least one bird in a day is run over by speeding vehicles in this island. The unsuspecting bird, it can be a pigeon or a mynah often sits on the middle of the road searching for its food. In the quest for its livelihood, it forgets to realize that there are monsters roaming about and they can take away its life within a second. The men at the wheels hardly think that every life is created by the Almighty who created them too. Men do not think every life has right to exist because, normally once they get to hold the steering of a vehicle, adrenalin level in the blood raises much above the acceptable levels. Snuffing out a life is not man's business. But still, he does not want to alert the poor bird or stop for a few seconds to allow the bird  to fly away. What urgency these men got in this islet that cannot save a life, how much ever insignificant it be?

It is in the upbringing. As children, many of the boys in our gang used to stone to death if we spot a chameleon. Children believed that a chameleon had the power to suck blood from the body through the navel from a distance. The beleaguered creature dies a horrid death within no time. The same fate awaited the tiny poison less country snake that mistakenly shows up in front of the civilized society. These snakes feed on frogs and rats. The beleaguered sound emanating from a frog that is trapped in a snake's mouth is a usual thing in the country side. Even that croak in distress sometimes sounded like music to our ears! There was no boy in the village who has not stoned a dog. The painful howls of the dog give an unexplainable pleasure to the people who do this nasty act and the onlookers. The same is the mental condition of a person who whips out his smart phone, switches on the video camera in it and catches the scene of an accident. The number of this tribe is increasing alarmingly.

That is in the genes but varies from person to person. In a majority of people, these genes are hibernating. A man who is taught to be compassionate to fellow living beings from childhood days can never do any harm to others. It is important to study a little bit of moral science along with tremendous quantity of Mathematics, Physics, Biology and Chemistry. Classes shall start right inside the homes. Do we have some time to spend for the young generation to show the right path? Gandhi is very relevant here too....

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