Monday, October 21, 2013

A mercy petition

For the past several days I am not keeping good health. Why only past several days, I think, since my birth, I have been facing a problem or the other with my health. Did you ever notice, most of our community members look so bad like me? Everyone of us has some kind of problem with our health. This was not our making but the outcome of the misdeeds you indulge. Did you see what type of water we drink? It is black in colour. It is mixed with all the chemicals you use or rather forced to use. I and my community members are not able to drink water that could be as pure as that you use in the toilet. 
How much water you waste for a single day? Water flows off the tap without any use most of the time. Look, we have no water to drink. We dip our head in the dirty sewage water to sustain our lives. By the way, do you really require to use such a heavy dose of cream to have a shave everyday? Is it not possible to avoid applying such chemicals once in a week for the sake of the other creatures living at your mercy? Just use a little warm water, wet your chin with it and then use a good razor. Please try it for a day in every week at least. Let that water flow out. For the God's sake, if you do that, I and my friends and relatives shall have stomach full of "pure" drinking water once in a blue moon. I have not seen clear water since my birth.
Who's responsible for this?
You dig deep into the earth to get water while contaminating all natural water sources with your wastes. There are Reverse Osmosis, Ultra Violet treatment and umpteen numbers of filtrations to make bad water to potable water. You know, some vested interest groups even contaminate water sources to sell the products? Ulimately, the so called friends of yours suffer the most. Water all around me is black in colour. It stinks too. Life in the middle of such filth is unbearable. Who gifted this life to us? Did you spare a few seconds to think about this? You may not have time to think about others, not even for the crores of human beings who too find it so hard to find drinking water. Like me and my community members, almost all living things in the world struggle to find clean water, thanks to your senselessness.
It is not only about water, even the food we eat is highly contaminated. We rummage through the heaps of wastes you produce in your dwelling places and then pack up in the obnoxious plastic bags and throw to the streets. We get to eat only the wastes you throw. We are not sure what is the level of poison mixed in these food wastes, but I am sure you too eat poison like this. You know, the rice in the beautiful bags are mixed with pesticides before it was packed? . Just wash a cup of rice with your hands, an oily substance will be sticking to your hands. I overheard from a group of people while discussing this. It is really dangerous for you too, but still, your compatriots never show mercy to you too!
"This plot for sale" "Luxurious villas for sale", "this property belongs to XYZ" ...There are so many such hoardings and sign boards sprouting all around. Every inch of the land is occupied by you. Who told this land belongs to only you? Fom where did you get the total rights over the earth?  May I know, where shall we go? Where shall we find shelter when there is rain? You make palatial living places all around. To stop us from enetering, you make big walls and gates. Empty places are fenced. We have no place to go. Our food and water are poisoned by you. We have only street food and sewage water. No place to live in...
Still you say we are nuisance. Is not the other way round dear friend? You often complain of our presnece in the locality. Your comfortable stay in the ivory towers are disturbed by us! One day a caged truck turns up in the locality. Some people emerge from this vehicle with a crude device. They pounce on us, trap us in the device, throw the unfortunate ones to the truck so mercilessly. Did you ever give your ears to those excruciating hawls? I heard them with a numb in my heart and helplessness from a safe distance. I do not know when that dreaded noose is going to tighten around my neck. Still we do not complain. We still remain your best friends. We have only one prayer. One day you will change. Realise the mistakes. Learn how to live in harmony with the nature and other living things
I am not sure if our prayers will be heard by our creator. He has no time to listen to us. You build magnifient abodes for Him. Place lightining arresters at the top of it. Keep heavily armed security guards outside to protect him. Priests and servants to take care of Him 24 x 7. You offer Him kilos of gold and bundles of notes. He in turn showers blessings on you. There is no place in his vast heart even a place that is as small as a mustard seed. We cannot build such maginfienct buildings for Him and proclaim our faith in Him through the blaring loud speakers. We are lost out. like all other creations. Of late, God has started thinking that He has to take care of only human beings. Ultimately, we are at your feet, begging for a little mercy, a fraction of that you show to the mass murderers, rapists and terrorists  We don't demand your heart to bleed for us, but please let us live with a little dignity, please.... 

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