Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Just Jottings -2

There are something like ten percent of the people in the society harboring extremist ideologies. They kill people in the society. Most of the victims of this mindless act of terror are not even remotely connected to the reason these terrorists attribute to their acts. Interestingly, every terrorist has 'genuine' reasons to put forth for killing others. Reason for killing people? Strange, but there is a section in the society that always supports these terrorists. Some people even cry for them. Terrorists are only a small number in any community. But, with their brute muzzle and fire power, they dominate the society. They take control of the thinking process of the society. The voiceless majority is then subjugated to follow the diktats of a handful of extremists. A bunch of sick minded morons, thinking that guns and bombs can bring about the changes they want to see, go about their business rather mindless of the consequences. People could be turned to extremist ideologies due to disturbed childhood, frustration on being a failure in life, hatred to the society due to metal disorder or even due to indoctrination by criminal minds. What could be going through their minds, when the extremists demolish with bombs a Primary Health Cebtre in a god forsaken village in Chattisgargh in the name of their beliefs? Innocent people are targeted mercilessly and in turn this causes division between different communities although they prefer to live in a harmonious and peaceful environment. They are always affected the most, irrespective of their religious, caste or ideological leanings.
That was what happened in Sri Lanka too. Extremists hijacked a community's control. Attacked the government machinery, killed their own people who opposed them and fought bitter wars with the army. They killed so many political leaders and military officials. Their brand of extremism was one of the fiercest in the world history. Blood bath was a daily routine in the Island Nation. Those extremists, as usual had very 'genuine' reasons for their killings. Strange, but that is how the terrorist mind-set works. In India some people sympathetic to these extremist outfit rever their leader as a hero. His life size pictures can be seen pasted on the walls all over in some parts of our country. This is inspite of the fact that he was the leader of a banned organisation.  India considers him as a terrorist. Imagine the reactions from people if anyone displays the images of Osama Laden in public!
All the blood bath was for Tamizh Ezham
The people who wanted justice against discrimination by the majority community of the country came under the heavy boots of a well trained army of extremists. At last, the Government's army moved in. Crushed the extremists ruthlessly. As the proverb goes, when the elephants make love or fight each other, the grass gets trampled upon. The helpless Tamizh population had come in direct firing line. The government army mercilessly killed the fleeing public. They raped. They stripped men and women alike. Brutally shot them dead in cold blood. Children were never shown any mercy. Blood flew like springs of water. The reckless extremists too killed people. with the same cruelty the army showed 
The Government army, as reported by various agencies, went berserk. YouTube is galore with blood chilling scenes of violance, although the veracity of the claims are debatable. One among such scenes is that of Isai Priya.
 Who did it on her? No idea, but the postings on you tube claims, it has been done by the Government Army. That, by any standard is inhuman. Isai Priya was an extremist ideologue and was a news reader in their television channel. Whatever be her political leanings, killing cannot be accepted. The needle of suspicion clearly points to the government.
The Elem war ended around four years back. That was the 4th major war fought between the rebels and the government forces. The latest war killed thousands of civilians and rendered many more thousands homeless. They are still suffereing even after four years. The Government does not care for them. The recent BBC video suggests that harassment of Tamizh population is still continuing. Devolution of power to the minority community is still a remote possibility although election took place in the Northern Lanka and a chief minister of Tamizh origin has taken charge of the affairs of the northern territory. What about the war crimes?  (This phrase 'war crimes' sounds so funny! War itself is a crime. What more crimes than this can be committed by human beings?)  The government has not yet put any serious efforts to come clean of the allegations.
Against the backdrop of these war crime strories and post war human rights violations, CHOGM meeting is about to happen in Sri Lanka. The Prime Minister of our country wanted to attend the meeting but could not do so due to pressure against this from certain quarters. The opposition  to PM's attendance is merely political. There could not be an iota of sincerity in this demand. They cry an ocean for the people of Lanka, but shockingly none of them were  seen shedding even a drop of tear when Ilavarasan died a disgraceful death at Dharmapuri!


That could be due to their political exigencies. But still, PM should not go. Even India shall not be represented. That is the strongest message we can give to the remorseless government to mend their ways first. But still, let us keep our conscience very clear. Our human rights record is one among the worst in the world. We ought to remove the stains on our window panes before finding dirt in the neighbor's walls...


1 comment:

  1. Very nice articles. Here i want to register few things. I always dead against LTTE. Not only LTTE and any other outfits use violence as their weapon to reach their ambition of separate country. But on seeing the happening after LTTE is completely defeated some time i start think "it seems LTTE is required to save tamils". I control myself not to take that stance. On seeing videos and photographs taken during and after the war really make the people sympathise tamils and anger against the government. If the LTTE's are terrorists then the military is the government's own terrorist group. There is not much difference happening between srilanka and Syria now. When once our friend Karthik asked me why you people keeping quite on seeing what is happening in Srilanka while you were making big hue and cry when the same thing happening in Syria. I did not have any answer. Because of my ego i did not accept his version of understanding, when i ask myself the same question i had to hung my head down.


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