Sunday, April 12, 2015

Just Jottings -3

Sunny side up. Till the other day I did not know about the auto-up gradation of class of journey on trains. This time, when I booked the ticket, I clicked on the option 'consider auto upgrade'. Ticket booking on railways is just like sipping a tea now, but still it is impossible  to get confirmed tickets if do not plan the journeys much in advance. We can never get tickets on routs like Chennai-Bangalore, Chennai-Trichy and so on even if we try to book weeks ahead. Of course it is also a game played by the all pervasive corrupt elements in the railways and its parasites to make some quick money. Even the black overcoat was once used as a convenient device to keep ill gotten money extracted from the passengers. 

This time, on board the train a little girl was traveling with her parents. She was talking non stopping in her not yet clear accent. The little cute baby was a nice thing to look at. Innocence was in full flow and what is more beautiful on earth than innocence of a child? This girl, to my surprise, when asked to sing a song, sung it in praise of Jesus. That toddler could recite a prayer, but even at this age, I can't. As I have been enjoying that innocence, the black coat sporting ticket examiner came and while checking the ticket informed that my ticket has been upgraded to the next upper class. I walked away to the new location and slept like a baby till the next morning. Learning never ends. Let it continue and may such journeys help collecting new bits of knowledge

I only pray, that cute little girl grow up in a peaceful atmosphere where no one casts evil eyes on her. Being a female is becoming increasingly difficult in this world. Around half of the population. Fear of being attacked sexually, physically or mentally from any quarter including her own family. Pedophiles, voyeurs, rapists, acid attackers, social media hawks...there is a long list of dangerous people around the women. In the war zones, women are being kidnapped and used as sex slaves. These spine chilling acts by perverted minds are happening even as we boast of becoming technologically far advanced. The 21st century is called the digital age where the unimaginable things will be made to happen. Of course, killing and dying in the name of religion is an unimaginable thing. Modern day gadgets are used only to drag our society to the stone age. The shell shocked civil society is just watching the horror unfolding, rather helplessly...

There occurred  a shocking incident a few days back. A young Indian woman was brutally murdered in Australia while she had been walking out of a railway station and talking to her husband in India over phone. Husband heard her begging the killer for mercy and then her screams. Just imagine she knew a few tricks of self defense. If she could take out a few steps of marshaling arts at the time of those disparate moments, perhaps she could have saved herself. Parents must take a lesson from this incident. Instead of pushing the children towards singing and dancing,  we must consider imparting some self defense tactics to the children. IITs and IIMS can wait. First, we must ensure that our children are alive and kicking. 

Last month, after I checked out of the Abu Dhabi hotel for the return journey to India, I had to wait for the taxi at the hotel lounge for a while to go to the airport. As I have been cooling my heels at the lounge, a young man came out of the lift and approached me. He wore an endearing smile. He first wished me and then shook my hand. Then moved to the man sitting nearby. That man looked to be of African origin. The young man introduced himself as a stranger and wanted to just say a hello. The man obliged, smiled and shook the young man's hand. Then, that young guy walked away with unsteady steps. Of course, he was drunk, but his gesture towards the strangers was very good. It certainly lightened my heart. I am sure it did the same to the other one too. I too wish to do the same, I mean, wishing everyone, even the strangers. Smile at them. Exchange pleasantries. That makes a difference. But, I am afraid to do so because, in our country, strangers are considered hostile all the time. If we smile at a stranger, he/she may think that something has gone wrong. Let us hope, people's attitude will undergo changes slowly but surely

The television in front of me is incessantly beaming advertisements on Akshaya Thritheeya. The Malayalam channels too are busy promoting akshaya thritheeya even as Vishu is round the corner. I wonder what is this fuss all about. The jewelry shops are constantly brainwashing the people to buy gold in the name of a superstition. Gold is sold with 916 hallmark. That means the gold sold in any shop has the same quality. Then why do these big sharks spend crores on advertisements? Big superstars are lined up to say lies to the people whom they are depending on for their livelihood. Superstition like this must be strongly discouraged by the forward looking people. Recently, a Karnataka minister went to a graveyard and ate food during the lunar eclipse. Symbolism, indeed.  There are very dangerous superstitions existing in the world- the concept of Heaven, Hell and Rebirth. These are just nonsense. How can even well informed young minds be corrupted with such beliefs? Can killing and dying for a cause like religion and god take people to Heaven? 

Instead of harping on symbolism, learned, refined, wise and informed people must work hard to alleviate such mindset. People with scientific temper shall not believe this. Hell and heaven do exist on this earth itself and we are responsible to make either of this. Blowing up people into pieces or slitting the throats can only usher in hell. Peaceful coexistence of all faiths and beliefs naturally bring about heaven. 

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