Sunday, February 26, 2012

Appooppanthaadi -37

The most exciting thing in Beijing to watch is the Kungfu show.

Beijing tour is not complete without witnessing the breathtaking performances of the artists. Its an exhilerating blend of skill and acrobatics. I missed it, sadly.

Watch a video clipping of the performance :

Video : The Kung fu show in Beijing

The Bird's Nest is another attraction one can hardly afford to miss. This is the magnificient stadium built in the Capital of China to host the Olumpics 2008.

This engineering marvel showcased the Chinese preparation to host an Olympics. Now, though the stadium is not effectively used for sporting events, it attracts thousands of visitors.

Like any other Chinese cities, Beijing also has a number of sky scrappers. Notable among them is the CCTV (Chinese Television) Head quarters. In 2007, it was under construction. It has a very interesting style of construction. Two leaning towers jonited together at the top. After its completion, this building looks so marvelous.

The metro rail in Beijing, otherwise called Beijing Subway, is another thing of interest in the capital city. During the Olympics 2008, the authorities developed the metro rail to the top of the world.It is hard to find a better metro rail system and railway stations that Beijing Subway boasts of.

Never miss a ride on the Subway train when in Beijing.  There are 15 Lines running across the city. We have to agree with the Chinese that they put technology to better use than everyone else...

Conspecuious by its absene is the tram services like in the European countries. No Chinese cities- as much as I saw- do not have tram mode of transportation

Friday, February 17, 2012

Some news...Some Views -15

Another superstar dies early. I know only Michael Jackson from the Western Music- not for his famous songs or his dancing skills but the controversies he always courted. I am not a fan of Western music. I know no western songs. Still the death of people like Michael Jakson and now Whitney Houston makes me so sad. Good people, they say, die young. May their soul rest in peace.

Along with the sad news of the demise of Whitney Houston, there was another peice of news that was quite disturbing. Crack, a form of cocane. It is said that the pop star Whitney Houston was addicted to crack.

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The General's case has been disposed of. Curtains to an unavoury episode in Indian Army's history. Though prima facie it may look like the General is right, a close look at the case reveals that the General has agreed in writing twice that his year of birth is 1950. There were reasons too. If he did not agree with this DOB, he would not have perhaps ascended to the top post of the army. So, after taking advantage of the seniority, now he wanted extension of his tenure by an year.

The Supreme Court delivered a highly appreciable judgement. As the court said, wise men are those who sail with the wind. It took a court to remind this to this big Babu! The General should have avoided moving the court on this issue. Anyway, all is well that ends well.

This case has been concluded in a few days. What about those cases that is lingering on in various courts across the country for so many years? Who cares for that? We still hear news about court proceeding on 1993 Blast case, Bhopal Tragedy, Uphar Tragedy and countless number of litigations filed by poor and helpless people. Urfortunately, no one looks to have any urgency in this regard.

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21st century bombs have come to our courtyard too. The Israeli Embassy staff's car was blown up using a highly sophesticated bomb. Who did it? No clues yet. As Israel doubts, it could be the handiwork of either Iran or the Hizbolla of Palastine. Hope the picture will be clear in the coming days.

Meanwhile, another bomb is almost ready in Tehran. The purpose of the nuclear mombs being readied in Iran is highly suspecious. Despite all isolation and embargo by the international community (US and the European countries), they could make it. Now, it is a matter of time to see that they used it!

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Appooppanthaadi -36

The most attractive spot in Beijing is the Tiananmen Square. There hangs a big photograph of Chairman Mao

"Tiananmen Square is a large city square in the center of Beijing, China, named after the Tiananmen Gate (Gate of Heavenly Peace) located to its North, separating it from the Forbidden City. Tiananmen Square is the third largest city square in the world (440,000 m² - 880m by 500m). It has great cultural significance as it was the site of several important events in Chinese history"

Adjacent to this, the Great Hall of the People, otherwise called the Parliament of the People's Republic of China is located. On another side of this, Forbidden City is located. Forbidden City was the Imerial Palace of the Ming Dynasty and Quin Dynasty. All these put together, occupy vast area in the centre of Beijing and it gives a spectacular view for the visitors.

The wide roads with nice greenery on both sides add beauty to the Tiananmen sqaure. Like in a park, one can spend any long time here in leisure. Thousands of people visit this place everyday.

For some more photos click :
Tiananmen Square : November 2007

This part of the world has another story to tell. A story of a protest and a bloodbath that folowed. Way back in 1989 Chinese people, especially the younger ones all over the country rose against the ruling autocratic dispensation. The epicentre of the protest was obviously the Tiananmen Square.

After a few days of protest that was covered my the media all over the world ( though in a very limited way) the one party government in Beijing acted violantly. Though the protest was peaceful, the government rolled in battle tanks to the Tiananmen Square and killed thousands of protesters. A peacful agitation to wring in democacy and economic reforms was thus crushed under the heavy wheels of the tanks.

Tiananmen Square protests of 1989

Many decades later, I could interact with a few English speaking Chinese while I was in China. None of them sounded endorsing the action of those youths. They all opined that the protest was insatigated by the West and the youth were used by them to destroy China.

No surprise in their opinions. The Government, or to be more precise, The Party thinks for all. The bottom line is that ask no questions...follow the rulers...go to Walmarts or Mc Donalds. Go to discotheques whenever you want. Booze as much as you  want. Make love with whomever you want. Everything a human being need in life is out there in any nook and corner.Never ask questions. Go enjoy till you tire...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Some News...Some Views -14

Let me eat a few words. Norway is not altogether a strange place. Children are brought up to live in a civilised society. They are taught not to spit on the roads. Not to throw garbage in the drainage. They teach their children to stand in queue. Not to cheat. Not to nurture their egos and hit or even kill his/her fellow human beings at the slightest of hurt to their ego. Above all, it is the place from where Nobel Prize for Peace is announced every year.

Here is another related story about the Indian Couples and their kids in Norway : NRI couple meet kids in norway foster home after 3month split

Look at this boy in Chennai. He simply killed his teacher. Slitted her throat and then stabbed repeatedly till she died using the kitchen knife he has been keeping in his school bag. The reason? The teacher reported his poor performance to his parents. Please note- The age of this boy is just 15 years and he is studying in 9th standard.

This boy will be punished if found guilty. In my considered opinion, half of this punishment should go to the parents who are partly responsible for the boy's present situation


While studying 9th, I was a timid, chicken hearted boy who wore a half trouser, a shirt and a very ordinary foot wear who treaded miles to reach scool everyday. 'Chappals' were indeed a luxury those days. The sight of the cane in the teacher's hand always sent tremors down the veins. Teachers did beat the kids. Kids did suffer always in silence.

The scene of our beloved Sasikumar-fondly called Sasi chettan by us- taking the teacher's cane charging on his palms is still vivid in my mind. He took five excruciating spanks from the teacher on that day.

He never cried. In fact he never showed any emotions every time he was subject to such corporal punishments both at home and the classroom. I am slowly overwhelmed by nostalgia. I must write about this good human being called Sasikumar later

The modern day kids cannot be punished. Leave alone spanking, even a word of admonition may land the eleders  in trouble. We interfere in everything of kids' affairs. We force him/her to study everything under the sun that is included in the syllabus. In our quest for seeing the kids scoring 100% in the exams, we drive them to maddness. Still, we never find time to teach them the morals. The importance of being a good human being. Did we ever tell our kids that Guru is like God?

The good teacher's tragedy once again reminds the parents of the girl chidren of this "aarsha bharatham" (the land of rishis). Send your girl children to martial arts class, if not sent yet.

To have life is the primary requirement to study Maths, physics Chemistry and biology. To have life is important to ascend to the rolling chairs inside those glass houses that offers fabulous remunerations in return to the computer code language writing skills!

To become a "software professional" or a money minting doctor, I do not think we should go so obsessively after the most unscientific syllabus we have in our schools. An engineering seat is available for 1Lac and a medical seat for just 10Lacs across the table.Relax. Let the children live their childhood...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Some News...Some Views - 13

Can an election be won by a look alike of Indira Gandhi? Sadly no. Still the party and their sheepish leaders try to do it in Utter Pradesh. Whoever wins the elections in UP this time, communalism and appeasement politics will be the biggest winner. How far we go this way? Is seeing a secular India with the government sponsoring no religion becoming more and more a distant dream? Frightening...disgusting...distressing...

Team Anna's campaign in the elections does not make ripples. Perhaps people started believing that corruption can never be eradicated and the best next way is to join the chorus. Make maximum out of the rotten system. Let us wait and watch the outcome of the elections in five states before coming to a solid conclusion

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Raja, one and only Raja did it all. Repeat it hundred times, it becomes truth. Babus of all hues and a section of the political class do this right now. Raja completed one year in jail and he is the only accued in the spectrum case who never applied for bail.

It is hard to believe that a man of Raja's calibre could do such a monumental corruption single handedly. It is also hard to believe that Raja did it all defying the Prime Minister. If he defied the PM, then it shows the weakness or helplessness of the Head of the Government. Sadly, the PM is in silent mode and he is happy to take all responsibilities without having any power in his hands

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Google took the "offensive" contents off its websites. Facebook and Microsoft are yet to do it. What is this issue all about? What is offensive and who determines what is offensive and what is not? Enough noise is made so far against postings in the community portals.

If anyone feels offended, let them not go to those websites and look into those craps. I am a regular visitor to Facebook and so many sites in google and yahoo!. I never came across anything that hurts any religion. I never search for such stuffs and as such I am not perturbed by such perverted postings

The best way to check any kind of affront to any religious setiments is to just ignore them. Gods and religions can never be hurt by some postings in these websites and portals.

God is all powerful. Not even a leaf moves without His/Her knowledge. He/She has all power to punish the sinners and save the good people in this earth. If we are convinced of God's powers, then why do we worry about God being insulted by some insane minds? Only the human beings who have no faith in God's powers would think so. Trust in God. He/She sees everything...and takes appropriate action at appropriate time

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There are so much of efforts made all over the world to scuttle media independence especially if it affects the governments. Look at Julian Assange of WikiLeaks. He has been trapped in rape charges and dragged into courts. The great democracies like U K and US found no qualms in doing it against to any dissenting voices directed against the powers that be.

Appooppanthaadi - 35

During the winter this river solidifies. We can walk on this. The picture on the right side was taken while standing in the middle of the River Hai, Tianjin during the winter in 2008. People indulge in various sporting activities like skiying on the solidified water surface . 

Also, it was quiet interesting to see so many people sitting on the river, making holes in the ice layer and fishing. Struggle for existance continues even in the bone chilling cold too... Almost every water body turns into solid state by the mid of December and it remains so till March in the northern parts of China

Though the winter in Eurpoe is also harsh, I could not see the rivers like Seine in Paris, Main in Frankfurt, Rhein in Mannheim in solid state. They all were found flowing with full of water all through the winter.

The River Songhua in summer
The river Songhua in Harbin too is a block of ice now. Harbin faces the harshest winter in China with the mercury dipping to as low as -30 degree celcius. The city is famous for ice festival that attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world.

They exibit ice sculptures all over and there will be buildings made of ice. Since the temperature throughout the day remains below zero degree, these ice blocks never melt. Sadly I missed all these this time

The landmark of Harbin city is the Sofia Church. The church built in Russian architecture in 1907, is a marvellous structure in the middle of the city. It went dysfunct during the cultural revolution and still it is not functioning as a place of worship. Instead, it is a tourist spot that gives nice photo op to the visitors. 

All around the church, there are a number of shopping avenues, especially under ground. The inner side of the church is turned into a museum that depicts the evolution of the city of Harbin.

The famous Central street in Harbin is just a walking distance from this church. Central Street is a spawling three kilometers long road with beautiful buildings constructed on either sides in the Russian style. Central Street is meant for shopping. There are so many shops in this street that sell exclusive Russian goods. This is the place where I saw fried grass hoppers in one of the eateries

Russian influence in Buildings in Russia is conspecuious. There are so many bus shelters on the arterial roads in the city that look like Russian buildings.

During the communism's heydays, Russia helped China a lot and the remnants of their benevolence is still visible. The bonhomie between the earswhile comrades is still warm. Look at the way they stood together to veto the UN resolution against Syria just recently

For more photos : Images from the road sides

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Appooppanthaadi -34

A latest model iPhone may cost just 400 to 500 Yuans in China (1 yuan = Rs 7 approx). The Chinese iPhone has every features or even more than what the Apple offers. It looks cuter than the original one. The original one costs around 5000 Yuans. At one look, no one can differentiate between the original and the duplicate.

Electronic products China offer are amazing pieces of technology. They are masters in it. From mobile phones to remote controlled toy helicopters to tablet PCs, all are available in abundance at unimaginably low cost. The features these gadgets contain can place them second to none. Especially in the case of mobile phones, even the best of the brands cannot match the Chinese ones. A China mobile with all the latest features can be bought at a throwaway price like two or three thousand rupees. Let us not discuss the longevity of the products here.

Every city has big electronic markets. In Tianjin city ,our major time pass on week ends was to roam around in these markets. Any kind of electronic goods that always kept abreast with the latest technology were available there. The most attractive gadget that lured all of us at that time was MP3 players.

Normally electronic market in a city is big multi storeyed buildings located close to each other. There will be small shops all over that are 'manned' mostly by young girls. Visiting Indians cannot stop wondering what the men in China are upto. Wherever we go, we see women all around. Shop keepers and shoppers are women. They look to be smarter and faster than their counterparts. Good omen however...

Four years down the line, in the electonic markets in Harbin city, Tablet PCs are sold like MP3 players. They have virtually reached the 4G mode even as we Indians are talking about 2G and its murky deals. Still 3G facilitie are not so comon in our country at an affordable price. I too bought one tablet PC that costed me 470 Yuans. It is really a worderful thing to behold

There is a big toy market in Harbin. Every toy, remote controlled as well as normal hand pushed one, is filled up in the shelves of every shop. The imaginations they put into these toys are really mind blowing. Children will simply be blown over by the sea of play things they may come across in the toy market here. They can never make up their minds as to what to choose...I did not buy anything this time, for, I was sure that the same products are available in Pondy Bazar, Chennai at a much lesser price.

In fact the Chinese made electronic goods are so simple with their imaginations.  Their products made inroads into every nook and corner of the world. No doubt, the price is the most attractive factor in these products. Despit the negative campaign doing the rounds all over, Chinese products sustain in the market and doing extremely well. No one can stop buying Chinese goods any more. Interestingly, Chinese goods available in India are cheaper than they are in China.

The Chinese are very careful while accepting 100 Yuan currency notes. Everyone checks very diligently before accepting currency notes, especially of denomination 100. Most of the shops, even the small provision shops keep fake note detector. Each time they receive a 100 yuan note, they pass it through this machine. After creating so many duplicates that transcend the originals, they lost confidence even in their money!  

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