Thursday, February 16, 2012

Appooppanthaadi -36

The most attractive spot in Beijing is the Tiananmen Square. There hangs a big photograph of Chairman Mao

"Tiananmen Square is a large city square in the center of Beijing, China, named after the Tiananmen Gate (Gate of Heavenly Peace) located to its North, separating it from the Forbidden City. Tiananmen Square is the third largest city square in the world (440,000 m² - 880m by 500m). It has great cultural significance as it was the site of several important events in Chinese history"

Adjacent to this, the Great Hall of the People, otherwise called the Parliament of the People's Republic of China is located. On another side of this, Forbidden City is located. Forbidden City was the Imerial Palace of the Ming Dynasty and Quin Dynasty. All these put together, occupy vast area in the centre of Beijing and it gives a spectacular view for the visitors.

The wide roads with nice greenery on both sides add beauty to the Tiananmen sqaure. Like in a park, one can spend any long time here in leisure. Thousands of people visit this place everyday.

For some more photos click :
Tiananmen Square : November 2007

This part of the world has another story to tell. A story of a protest and a bloodbath that folowed. Way back in 1989 Chinese people, especially the younger ones all over the country rose against the ruling autocratic dispensation. The epicentre of the protest was obviously the Tiananmen Square.

After a few days of protest that was covered my the media all over the world ( though in a very limited way) the one party government in Beijing acted violantly. Though the protest was peaceful, the government rolled in battle tanks to the Tiananmen Square and killed thousands of protesters. A peacful agitation to wring in democacy and economic reforms was thus crushed under the heavy wheels of the tanks.

Tiananmen Square protests of 1989

Many decades later, I could interact with a few English speaking Chinese while I was in China. None of them sounded endorsing the action of those youths. They all opined that the protest was insatigated by the West and the youth were used by them to destroy China.

No surprise in their opinions. The Government, or to be more precise, The Party thinks for all. The bottom line is that ask no questions...follow the rulers...go to Walmarts or Mc Donalds. Go to discotheques whenever you want. Booze as much as you  want. Make love with whomever you want. Everything a human being need in life is out there in any nook and corner.Never ask questions. Go enjoy till you tire...

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