Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Some News...Some Views - 13

Can an election be won by a look alike of Indira Gandhi? Sadly no. Still the party and their sheepish leaders try to do it in Utter Pradesh. Whoever wins the elections in UP this time, communalism and appeasement politics will be the biggest winner. How far we go this way? Is seeing a secular India with the government sponsoring no religion becoming more and more a distant dream? Frightening...disgusting...distressing...

Team Anna's campaign in the elections does not make ripples. Perhaps people started believing that corruption can never be eradicated and the best next way is to join the chorus. Make maximum out of the rotten system. Let us wait and watch the outcome of the elections in five states before coming to a solid conclusion

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Raja, one and only Raja did it all. Repeat it hundred times, it becomes truth. Babus of all hues and a section of the political class do this right now. Raja completed one year in jail and he is the only accued in the spectrum case who never applied for bail.

It is hard to believe that a man of Raja's calibre could do such a monumental corruption single handedly. It is also hard to believe that Raja did it all defying the Prime Minister. If he defied the PM, then it shows the weakness or helplessness of the Head of the Government. Sadly, the PM is in silent mode and he is happy to take all responsibilities without having any power in his hands

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Google took the "offensive" contents off its websites. Facebook and Microsoft are yet to do it. What is this issue all about? What is offensive and who determines what is offensive and what is not? Enough noise is made so far against postings in the community portals.

If anyone feels offended, let them not go to those websites and look into those craps. I am a regular visitor to Facebook and so many sites in google and yahoo!. I never came across anything that hurts any religion. I never search for such stuffs and as such I am not perturbed by such perverted postings

The best way to check any kind of affront to any religious setiments is to just ignore them. Gods and religions can never be hurt by some postings in these websites and portals.

God is all powerful. Not even a leaf moves without His/Her knowledge. He/She has all power to punish the sinners and save the good people in this earth. If we are convinced of God's powers, then why do we worry about God being insulted by some insane minds? Only the human beings who have no faith in God's powers would think so. Trust in God. He/She sees everything...and takes appropriate action at appropriate time

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There are so much of efforts made all over the world to scuttle media independence especially if it affects the governments. Look at Julian Assange of WikiLeaks. He has been trapped in rape charges and dragged into courts. The great democracies like U K and US found no qualms in doing it against to any dissenting voices directed against the powers that be.

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