Thursday, June 21, 2012

Akkara kazhchakal

Have you watched the episodes of Akkara Kazhchakal in the youtube?  If not yet, click the link: Akkara kazhchakal

This is really interesting. The hollowness of all that we are upto is aptly depicted in these sequels. It is so close to our lives.

Recently, one Eight Years old boy along with his parents occuppied his apartment in our Housing complex in Chennai. His parents were in USA. The boy, though not born in US, and  hence not a US citizen, had been studying there. Within the span of a few years, he forgot his mother tongue, that is Telugu. Now he speaks and understands only English. He speaks only English in American accent. So difficult to make out anything unless we look at his lip movement. Though I could not make out much from his talkings whenever I got a chance to talk to this boy, from whatever I could understand, the English he speaks is simply horrible. For a moment, an uncomfortable thought just passed through my mind. My friends's kids in USA too must be speaking this language - a language that heaavily depends on "you know".

It looks people there follow no grammer and every word has been modified to sound so awkward. I have never seen some words like gonna and  wanna in any dictionary. In addition to this, there are so many slangs in common use. I only hope, the kids of my beloved friends in US can speak Malayalam. I hope, they are aware that their mother tongue is Malayalam and it is important to be proud of it. Also, I am sure they speak English with all its beauty, not influenced by the rudderless language the locals use.  

Now the boy is the company of the Indian kids. His american accent will soon disappear, even without his knowledge, and a new accent dawn in his tongue. I can't say which will be the new style. It depends on how his teachers and the friends around him speak. 

If he is going to study in Tamil Nadu, he will learn Tanglish, in Keralam he will learn Manglish and if in Bihar he may speak  an altogether different English. Look, there is no Inglish in our country. There there hundreds of dialects and in commensurate with this, we have hundrends of forms English. Still, our English is much better than these heavily accented English of USA and UK. At least, you know, let us believe so.

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