Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The other side -1 : Egypt's struggle for democracy

This picture was shown in one of the earlier posts too. Repeating it here is essential. Hope many of the readers have already seen this horrifying picture

Click the below link to read more about this picture

 She is lying there -half naked- because she demanded democracy in her country. After the revolution at Tahrir Square in Egypt's capital that threw away the  rule of Hosni Mobarak, the power was transferred to the Army. The understanding was that Army holds the power till elections are conducted and democacy takes over Egypt.

Now that the first phase of elections are over and the result throws a hazy picture that is not encouraging for a smooth journey towards democracy, Egypth's fate is still hanging fire. Meanwhile, let me make a passing reference to the way this lady is being treated. Hundreds of men and women came out of the streets of Egypts to throw out Hosni Mubarak. The reason is not only that he was autocratic but the larger reason was that he made peace with Israel. 

Though Egypt remained by and large a secular nation under the aegis of The Dictator, common man on the street, like any other part of the world, who surrendered his/her brain to the bigotic religious leaders were always angry with Israel. They never like Egypt making friends with Israel. I have first hand experience about how the people in that region nurture hatred against Israel. In Syria, whenever I tried to talk about Israle, people used to respond with a lot of anger. They used to virtually shiver when I tried to heckle them using Israel.

Gullible minds can always be misguided. They can be turned into a human bombs so easily. We can only pray that the forthcoming government at Cairo, after the results of elections are out, is a secular democratic government that will go overboard to spread peace and harmony in the middle east in particular and world as a whole.

The point I wanted to emphasise is that people all over the world, who reel under the heavy hands of the dictators, always fight for freedom. They are always willing to lay down their lives for democracy. An army general or a king or a few leaders of a single political party can never replace a democratic form of governent. Anna and his team may encourage people to be anti politicians and in turn anti democratic. But, the first man to go to jail if democarcy is gone will be Anna because, dictators never like "crusaders" of any kind


  1. Dear Sir,

    Is Anna Agitation anti-democratic?. How can it be?
    Please Elaborate ur views

    I don't think so as people of India has every right to fight against any particular cause. viz., candle light march etc.

    PS: Anna team should fight without any BIAS, i.e BY NOT targetting one single party
    say; INC etc

  2. Dear Perraju,

    It is not that Anna's agitatation is anti democratic. In fact, when he sat in fasting for 13 days, I too remain hungry for a full day. But later, many of the public speeches by Anna and his team members were not in good taste. When Pawar was beaten by a youth, he praised it. How can we appreciate a young man beating another who is as old as our fathers?

    Some members like Kejriwal does not even vote in the elections. All of them always tell the public that all politicians are bad. This makes an impression in public that our parliamentary democracy is not good for our country. I know, so many young minds in our country now started thinking that politics is bad and we need military rule to clean up our system

    The sad thing is that military rule can never clean up anything, whereas it will definitely ruin our country. Look at the examples in various countries.

    It is wrong to target a particular party but it is true that Congress party's most of the ministers including the PM are not above doubt. It is very important that the PM of the country is above all doubts, but he just keeps quiet that creats so much of speculations in public minds


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