Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Michael Jakson's casket costed USD 25000. It was a 14 carat gold plated bronze coffin that was used for burying him. The King of Pop rests in peace in a golden casket. Perhaps it is a fitting tribute to the King who gifted many an electrifying moment through his songs and dances on stage. Michael Jackson's Moon Walk is the most famous dance no one could imitate as perfectly as he did so far.

I am not a follower of pop music nor a fan of Jackson. Still I respect his talent. I felt so sad when I heard the news about his sudden demise, neverthless he was accused of child abuse and drug abuse.

Now, let us talk about aother lesser mortal. She may not be world famous. She has not "electrified" millions of people but certanily helped a few thousands of poor people in her humble ways. Her name is Captain Lakshmi Saghal. She deserves a salute from all patriotic citizens of India.

"The 97-year-old revolutionary turned social activist served the country all her life. Even after death, as per her will, her eyes and body were donated to medical college. The eyes will give vision to visually challenged and the body will be used for medical studies."

To read more about her, click the link : 

This summerises about the greatness of a person. She never opted for a golden casket. She even did not opt for a cremation of her body. The body goes to a medical college for the students to study. Only noble souls can do it. Let us salute the spirit and try to emulate at least bits and pieces of what she did. (I cannot follow her foot steps because I am a typical materialist). She was given an emotional farewell by her followers by shouting "lal salam". I too give her a lal salam. A true communist needs to be like her. I only wish our country is enriched by the presence of such good communits....

Now, let us look  at another personality. The first Indian who got a gold medal in individual item in an olympics. Abhinav Bindra won a gold medal in Beijing Olympics in shooting. In the history of our country, this is a first. He made 1billion+ people proud. But even after that epoch making achievement, Abhinav was just smiling. A very composed response indeed.

Read more by clicking the link : 

In sharp contrast, look at the cricketers and footballers. If they take a wicket -even of a tail ender- or score a goal merely due to his presense at the right time for an excellent pass to connect, they express their happiness in a very exaggerated manner. All these expressions are surely disproportionate with the 'achievement' they made. They are certainly concious that hundreds of cameras are focussing on them and millions are watching them. This is the main reason for these theatrics.

Cristiano Ronaldo is the most prominent in  enacting such dirty dramas. He even stands in front of the camera and shows some actions to express his happiness after scoring a goal. This is perhaps the most obnoxious act I have ever seen. In the recent Euro Cup, he scored 3 goals and the celebration was 300 times inflated. In the last, he could not even take the spot kick and take his team to semi final. I believe a footballer is the finest creation of the God, because he creats a symphony with his feet. But, Ronaldo is a footballer whom I hate. Despite his superstardom, he behaves like an ordinary trickster most of the time on the field. 

The all revealing smile by Abhinav Bindra is the finest example to emulate. One shall not be over excited in happiness. Perhaps he knows more than anyone, that nothing is permenant....

 "He whose mind is untroubled by sorrows, and for pleasures he has no longings, beyond passion, and fear and anger, he is the sage of unwavering mind. 

Who everywhere is free from all ties, who neither rejoices nor sorrows if fortune is good or is ill, his is a serene wisdom." (Bhagavad Gita)

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