Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Technical Committees

 World's best brains are ever included in many of the technical committees of big and reputed organisations. Technical committees are an essential part of any organisation to grow and beat the competition in the market. Technical Committees form Standards and Specifications of every products in the world. For everything from organising an event to manage economy of a nation or a company or a home, techincal committees are essential.

I know so many bright brains. So many of them were sitting by my side in the same class room when we studied engineering. But, sadly, all those best brains are not interested in lending their brains for technical development. They are steeped in reaserches about how to make big monies.

There was a Technical Committee in the dark ages of history. It was a three member Central Committee in the government of Soviet Union's Joseph Stalin. It was a high power group whose job was to identify and eliminate any kind of dissidence againt Stalin's regime in USSR. They did their duty in right earnest. Thousands were killed that included intelluctuals, activists and anyone who was believed to be anti government. Whenever opponents were killed, the deaths were picturised as a suicide or an accident or a natural death. For countries like USSR which was a union of a number of independent republics (soviets) forcefully joined together, nipping dissidence in the bud itself was very important.
USSR is gone long ago. The world has moved away from the dark ages of Stalinism. Tecnical Committees started solely concentrating on improving the quality of life. The human kind has entered the 21st century with new hopes of better life. The science world has almost reached the God's Particles. China has sent a missile to orbit and destroyed a spy satellite with clinical precision in the not so far past. USA had sent a missile to destroy a drifting spacecraft that lost control on its way back to earth. Sunita Williams blasted off to space from a Ukrine Lauching Station. Indian Scientists supported by committed administration reported zero Polio case in the country last year. It is a remarkable achievement. Scientists all over the world are working day in and out to to reach out to new heights in technologies. People all over the world are looking up to the 4th generation gadgets now.

But still, there is a society in the southern part of our country who missed the bus. There, people are more worried about their idiologies, faith, caste, religion and Gods than their own life. They can go hungry for days together, but their Gods shall  not be displeased. They are ready to kill and die to safe guard their idiologies. Many of these so called idiologies and faiths are outdated and only fit to exist in stone ages, alas! They can never even imagine someone insult their Gods. The all powerfull Gods are, unfortunately, need protection from their believers in the God's Own Country. The saddest part is that people have lost faith in God's powers and abilities!!!

Religions and castes formed powerful Political and Human Rights Organisations to protect their interests. Their leaders started preaching their followers to love only people of their group. They did not stop there. They wanted the followers to kill and die for their faith and ideologies. The air they breath, water they drink and the clolour of dress they wear are all communalised, politicised or cummunally politicised. 

The latest incident of this frightening trend in the most "advanced" part of the country was the brutal murder of a political leader by another Political party. There were 51 stab injuries on his face itself. Imagine the horror. I do not want to show that image here, but that terrifying image is available on the internet. Just type T.P. Chandrasekharan and search. 

Closely on the heals of this incident, one of the leaders of the killer Party reaveled another shocking news. His party used to prepare lists of the people who need to be killed. They execute this list in different forms. If we have to believe his words, his party kills people by shooting, beating, stabbing or any other method the Party decides according to the excigencies. Whatever be the truth behind these utterences, there are so many disturbings things happeneing in this tiny part of the world. Stalin's Technical Committee is not gone for ever. It has just shifted its place to this Mental Asylum

If you happen to see a Malayalam news paper, please do not read it. You will be shaken too badly. Your mood will be spoilt for the day. The front sheet will only have news about murders, sex rackets and communal agendas. Two days back an activist of a Student wing of a political party has been stabbed to death by another gang of students in front of a college. Lessons of hatred, death and distruction are imparted on the impressionable minds from the early stages itself. 

There are suicide squades maintained by many plotical and religious organisations here. There are specialised killers in the parties. In most of the killings, the specialised killers are protected by the political parties and religious leaders. They prepare a list of loyal workers of their outfit and hand over to the police. The loyal police 'arrest' them and in all probability the procecution fails to proove the charges against the 'accused'. This is not a fiction. It is for real. This is happening in this 100% literate state of India for the past several decades.  

There are not even a single month in any year that passes off without seeing a minimum of 2 bandhs. Life comes to total halt on these days. Not even a single vehicle runs on the road. Not even a single restaurant or a pan shop opens. People as a whole celebrate a Bandh. Tourists are caught unawares.  They may have to spend their day on the bus or railway station platforms along with children. So, if anyone has any plans to visit the God's Own Country, remember, even Gods cannot take care of you there. If  you still want to go there, I have to only say - fools rush to where angels fear to tread....

Please note this too. If you happen to be in China or Europe, just ask anyone what his/her religion is. In all probability the answer will be a strange blink. They may even wonder, what this religion means. Perhaps this is the secret of their civilized and peaceful life.  Look around. World's most miserable places are where religions and Gods rule the roost.

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