Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Kunjiramans

Men are funny. They climb when the other side bends and they bend when the other side climbs. If not convinced, look at the picture on the right side. A former chief minister is prostrating at the "lotus feet" of a lady. 

Of course, this lady is not an ordinary woman. She came upto a position of immense strenght on her own steam. She shows steely nerves when confronted with crises and adversities. When she showed her guts in front of men, they gave in. Started admiring her first and then kneeling down.

 Long time back, there was an incident in the Legislative Assembly were men tried to disrobe her. Now, in a Public function, if she is on the dias, all the men of her ministry and the her party leaders sit far away from her as if they are sitting in front of a fearsome Head Master of a school. Their body language changes as if a lamb trapped in a lion(ess)'s den. They listen to her in rapt attention and only nod in agreement to whatever she says. I wonder, how men who nurture egos that are taller than Himalayas, become so subservient to a woman.

Look at this picture. The sentence in the advertisement says "We remain, Madamji, ever at your feet". She is so powerful that she is able to remote control a man who is the prime minister of a country of 1.2 Billion people. Now, she has another man instaled at the nation's heighest post. This man too will be at her service on call. Tomorrow, if she decides so, I caould be the president or prime minister of my country. Such is the power this lady enjoys without owning any responsibilty.

 She does not wear costly saris. Does not wear toe to head ornaments. Still her personality is good enough to make men fall at her feet. Her presence makes even her opponents feel awasome. She shows immense courage and character when it comes to leadership. Though I don't agree with her political line, I should say a hats off to her for her personality and the way she handles men. I wonder, how men who nurture chauenistic hegemony over the opposite sex are more than willing to remain at the feet of a women.
A scene from Uttar Pradesh- The garland is made using currency notes worth 18Lac Rupees

In West Bangal, if it were not a woman who came forward to fight the ruling party's goondaism  and ruthless policy of physically distroying the opponents, there would never have a change of government. 
A woman single handedly fought the war against a mighty political party and at last beaten them to pulp. She had no mentor nor was she born in a political family. It was her sheer hardwork and courage that brought her to the Writer's Building in Kolkatta. There are so many men in West bengal who queue up to prostrate in front of her. No doubt, men deserve this.

There are umpteen number of examples. Whenever women show heart and willing to fight it out right in the middle, men fall in line. Not only with the big women we discussed here, even an ordinary woman can do it.  

 It is like domesticating a wild elephant. In the wilderness, a tusker is the most powerful creature. No one can beat him. Once conquered and then trained to obey the orders, a tusker is the most obedient animal on earth. Mind power, not muscle power matters.  

Note : Kunjiraman is a proverbial monkey's name generally used to discribe a person who obeys his master always without questioning


  1. Then why the hell do we need 50% reservation!?
    Hmmm... I think this is what they call the golden quadrangle (picture them geographically by their regions and you will see a missing link!).
    YES, wait for another one from western India!!!

  2. Serikkum kunjiraaman.... Hahahah... enthu parayaan alle ?


  3. Hello natesan sir,
    Excellent, once again you are touching a sensitive issue,,
    i also heard from west bengal,, mamtha is so powerful,, from her party member will not marry from opposition party,, even if they are blood relative,, may be in tamilnadu as well,
    in all these i see another aspect,, more than national interest, personal interest plays a big role, Still they are so powerful,, i agree,,

    As long as they are good to nation, and to every home,, i can also support them,,

    Apart from these Womens, there are many womens who have really achieved, like
    sunitha william, NASA
    chanda kochhar - icici,MD
    Indira noogi - chairperson , pepsico,
    Kiran mazumdar - chairperson, Biocon
    Naina lal kidnai, Country head, HSBC
    shobhan Bhartia - Chairperson , Hindustan times.
    Vinita Bali - MD , Britannia


    Mallika Srinivasan - Chairperson , TAFE
    Vanitha Mohan - Chairman, Pricol.

    I think indian womens will reach great height in coming years,,

    in china,, the major force IS, from home to country is women.they are in all the field,,

    Mr. Natesan, excellent article again..


  4. Natesa

    My so called philosophical mind is asking me to give my comment.

    If you call these men Kunjiramans, all men are Kunjiramans in some way or other. These guys demonstrate it in public to gain something and many do it in private to gain something else; you call it Fear, Respect or Love. We do (at least I do) Ashtanga pranamam in front of the Godess Mataji. Why? Because we believe that she is powerful and can decide your fate. Nobody call them Kunjiramans, they are called Devotees. So every men can be a Devotee of either Mataji, Ammaji, Behanji, Madamji or his own Wifeji. If one call the Man a Devotee or Kunjiraman, I do not see a difference as all men in the universe are Kunjiramans in one way or other. At least I do not mind even if someone calls me a Kunjiraman.

    Have a great time.

    Sreekumar K B

  5. Sree,
    I beg to differ to your point of view. Here I have mentioned about human beings. There is nothing wrong in prostrating in front of a goddess or an elderly lady out of sheer respect or devotion. These acts have some logic to support. But, in the cases mentioned in the essay, I mean to say women can command awe, fear and respect with their humanly charecteristics. Men who never accept women as equals, do not mind falling at the feet of such strong women. The same men insist their wives to be slaves.


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