Sunday, August 5, 2012

Mom's the God

Men shall not cry.  They shall not have soft hearts. If a man's heart were so vulnerable to melting at the sight of a sad thing, Bashar Al Assad's men would never have killed so many children in the strife torn Syria. They are running down cities and towns in Syria to keep their master in power.

If a man's heart were so compassionate, he would never have lured young boys and girls to his master's house, then sexually abuse and kill them. This man in Noida even ate the flesh of his victims.

If men thought their hearts were not strong enough to wield an AK47, land in a crowded place and spray bullets on the people around, then there would not have been an incident like in Mumbai. Men could commit hienous crimes in cold blood

I lay no claim to have a stony heart. Though it is embarassing to reveal that my eye turn moist at times, I find no qualms in admitting the fact. The latest incident that turned my eyes filled with tear was when I watched a programme on Kairali TV a few days back. Kairali TV is one of the best television channels in Malayalam. Except their news telecast, everything is a cut above all. The poetry recital reality show "Mambazham" is the one, a Malayalee shall never miss. It is being shown at 1830hours Indian time every week days.

Presently, a programme on the air is another reality show presented by a group of small time celebrities. They are a few gifted singers, dancers and actors gathered together with a view to help the disadvantaged people in the society. They sing and dance to gather money for this cause. An act that needs to be commended. In its latest episode, a 37 years old lady along with her 5 children were featured.  The eldest child is 18 years old and the youngest 5 years. The mother struggles to bring them up while the father is a drunkard. He appears in the scene only when he wants to beat the lady. In the process of unleashing his muscle power on the helpless woman, the children too often come in the line of fire

The family minus the man was interviewed by one of the noted actors of yesteryears. The woman eloped with the man when she was 15 years old. From then on, her life took a turn for worst. The alcoholic husband led her to live a miserable life mostly in public places. They did not have a house. No one was willing to let thier houses on rent to this family due to the man's bad habit. The woman and the children were at last deserted by the man and now they in dire straight. The woman and the chidren narrated a heart rendering story of their journey so far. Still I did not feel anything new in this. In our country, this is quiet usual, even as we are 12 years into the 21st Century

The interviewer then asked another quetion to all the six members. Do they need the man back to their fold? The woman told a firm No. All the 4 younger children too echoed their mom. But the 18 year old son told he needs his father. This boy was the one who was always at the receiving end of his father's brutality, as he tried to prevent him from attacking his mother. He said, he needed father because he is above all his father! I could no longer control my emotions. Tear welled up in my eyes. Rolled down the cheek....

Look at the children who are born with silver spoon in their mouth. They get everything in their life. They are born in air-conditioned operation theatres-well, now-a-days doctors don't permit mothers to have normal delivery. They are pampered to unimaginable proportions. The life for them is a bed a roses always.

 They are fed with Boost to have 3 times better stamina, Horlics to have 2 times more inteligence than the ones who do not have it, and Complan to grow 3 times faster than the ones who do not have it. They are sent to air-conditioned schools in air-conditioned vehicles. They are force fed with the best things available. They get education in the costliest schools in the town. 

Father, for them is like a friend. The modern day father is  embodiment of phychology. He knows how to treat a child phychologically. He spoon feeds the child with everything. He attends every need of the child. The child just has to point his/her finger at anything. At the next earliest moment, the father fulfils that wish. 

Children are taught Mathematcis, Science and English. Sadly these children do not know a world outside the contours of their sweet home and the school. No wonder if they look down upon a poor child. They may treat a servant maid in their house with contempt. Little they realise that, servants are also a part of the society. Without them these children would not have gone to schools in time wearing "surf excel" style clothes.

They know who is Mahatma Gandhi. Who was the first President of Independent India. Who invented electric lamp. Shockingly they may never know what is the name of their grand father (I mean their father's father!!). They can explain how a computer works, but never know how a complicated family setup or a society works. In the ivory towers, these are hardly any subjects to learn...

In the last, when they grow up and become an 18 years old boy (or a girl) they hardly recognize even the father who lived all his life for them. They show more affection to FaceBook and the make beileve world it creats around them. Finally when they get a job, they simply fly away from the nest. Father (also mother) bacomes a burden as he/she grows "younger"...

The boy in this story has already seen the life. He came up against all odds. He shows tremndous maturity. Definitely, he can never be otherwise, because he has a good mother. No child in the world can ever go wrong if he/she has a virtuous mother. That is the greatness of motherhood. 

Forget and forgive is the message this young man is giving out. Anybody listening?


  1. Hi Natesan,

    Your writings in blogs are wonderful. The way you are describing the events and places is really good.
    You can think of writing and publish a book(may be a novel).
    I am seriously advising you to write a book.
    I feel really good to have a friend like you.

    (Siva Prasad Borra)

  2. A father is a father and a Mother is a mother.


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