Monday, November 2, 2009

The desert living -2

This is the sequel ofThe desert(ed) living
The entire Gulf goes hungry from dawn to dusk. It is their commitment to their religion. They do not drink even a drop of water during this Ramadan month. Look at the spirit. Not even a single soul dares to break this rule. I do not know if it is the unshakable faith in their God or the fear of punishment His more faithful followers may hand out to the less faithfuls, that makes them go hungry. It must be the former, going by the spirit they exhibit here. They think at least this much must be done for the god from their side.
Almost 90% of the people I meet daily, are chain smokers. Now no one smokes. I too stopped smoking, well, passive smoking. In a normal day, I must be 'smoking' at least 10 cigarettes. It is quiet surprising to see people spending so much of money on cigarettes. In my observation, it is the poor people who spend more on these kinds of material pleasures, disproportionate with their known source of income. Anyway, this is a universal phenomenon.
Coming to fasting during the Holy month of Ramadan. It is punishable offence in Gulf if anyone is found eating or drinking even water in public. The sentence may vary from three to four months jail to high amounts of money. Perhaps, in countries like Afghanistan or Saudi it may be whipping or even beheading in public. Who knows, how the foot soldiers will behave at the 'behest' of the God?

Just compare the penance these people take with that our people take during the Sabarimala season. Many of the guys who wear the 'maala' smoke and drink even on the way to the Holy hills, forget about keeping the purity of body and soul from the beginning to the end of the season. Moreover, if a rally of the comunist parties is conducted at the sannidhanam, more than half of the people shouting inquilab zindab will be carrying the 'irumudi kettu' on their head!
During the last Ramadan month, I was in Qatar. There, almost 90% of the people working were from India and other poor asian countries. So, they found it as an opportunity. During Ramadan, all work must be stopped by 3 in the afternoon. No one must be forced to work after this as people as expected to be fasting. But, if at all they are willing to work, they must be paid over- time pay. So, all our people worked even more than their normal working hours and make good money. In Qatar the temperature is very high during August – September. In the soaring temperature, people involve in welding works on the metallic structures. These metal structures will be as hot as 100 degree celcius!
I never went foodless even for a session for the sake of God. I don’t think, in the future too I will venture into this. I do not think I can do this. I only wish, no will insist me to do this in the near future. No one can predict what is in store. Perhaps, some extremist element may tomorrow seize the power and proclaim that all must go fasting at least one session everyday. Do we have any other way but to obey their diktats?
Let us only pray to God not to give such ‘instructions’ to His ready for anything followers.
Thus I stopped this essay and took a break for the dinner. Tonight we were served stale food. Did I write anything above against God? I don’t think so. I just tried to explain the facts. Tried to call a spade a spade. Coming across stale food need not be taken as an unusual thing here in this God forsaken land. Take heart, we are getting something to eat, at least.

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