Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tips: How not to be attacked in Australia

Dear friends,

Following are a few tips an Australian- Indian gives to his fellow expats. Don't you think OUR INDIA is much more secure than any part of the world for WE INDIANS?? Be proud of India. Do not curse the system in India, instead let us put our heads and hands together and chenge our great nation

1. After 7 pm, always travel in the first compartment of the train.
2. When walking to work or home, make sure you turn off your i pod as you can easily get distracted.
3. Stay alert and keep an eye if someone is walking behind you.
4. If you see a group of guys walking towards you, change the side of the road or direction.
5. Never react to any racial comment you hear.
6. Never walk and talk on the phone at the same time on a lonely road.
7. Make sure you have Emergency number '000' on speed dial.
8. Never feel shy to seek help and shout in case you feel any kind of danger.
9. Try not to work on night shifts as many students work late night especially in Indian restaurants.
10. Always take a road that is well lit and have some traffic even if it's not shortest way home.
11. For girls, buy a pepper spray and keep it in your bag.
12. If you see or experience any attack, make sure you lodge a police complaint as most of these incidents never get reported.


  1. Dear Nuttji,

    You have a point there.
    Dear friends, this mail definitely underlines the truth. Yes, we can boast of almost no racist attacks in India.
    How many of us know that the emergency number 100 can be dialled on almost any mobiles without a code number!
    Actually, we never need it!!!
    Thank you PPN


  2. Nuttji and Ananthu

    That was puli roaring! Not annan. Wasn't it? Speak out Annaaaaa...

    I don't agree with puli. My dear, do you know, my brother used to tell me how safe it is to travel in Tamil Nadu and karnataka even during night-time. That was way back in 1994 when my brother was doing his MBA in Pondy. And he lamented about not getting a bus at places inside Kerala after 10pm!

    I am not painting Keralam as that bad! The other places offer better options, instead.

    Look at our pals who groomed like anything after their college! So many of them speak fluent Hindi, who used to awe at the Hindi guys back in college days! That's India at its best. You can home anywhere in India fearlessly with your mus and beard intact!!! Teenagers won't intimidate you here.

    Yes, I feel safe in Chennai. I always take a cab to the airport in the wee hours (3am) all the way from Central on my way to Andamans to catch the morning flight. Nat knows it very well, 'cos it was from his home that I took a taxi last year early in the morning.

    All of our dear friends, you are luckier lot, 'cos you got a chance to see so many places and cultures which we heard of only in our history and geography lessons. Help yourself, Enjoy yourself and keep your identity safe.

    Manoj, Bhindran, Ajithsa, Vincent, Ananthu, Chacko, Sreeku, Job and all of you out there... SPEAK OUT.

    Nuttji, is it the Andaman Guest House you saw? There is one in Chennai.

    Ratish Bhai

  3. Annan,

    That was a spirited attempt for a counter attack.

    Rathishbhai, Sreekumar , attack Annan immediately and protect me from his ire

    Annan, the statement on your being felt insecure in Chennai and
    Bangalore is very exaggerated. I am a resident of Chennai for the past
    12 Years and a frequent visitor of Bangalore for the past 5 to 6years.
    I never felt such a thing. People in the far Andamans come calling to
    Chennai. I do not think they feel anything insecure.

    Of course, even in our land, people from north Keralam are looked down
    as 'Vadakkan' in south Keralam and vice versa. Whereever human beings
    are there, conflicts are there. That is why I like to call humans as
    the most hienuous creation of the God.

    Our point here is "never stoop to conquer". You live whereever you
    want. But to survive there we shall never forgo our cherished culture
    and the way live. How can we agree to any system that can never allow
    us to spit on the public places and take out our private organs and
    answer the nature's calls? If we have to shave off our mustache for
    the sake of concealing our identity, it is highly unacceptable. This
    is what I wanted to say. No offence intended to our beloved friends

    Today I came accross one Andaman& Nicobar House here in Chennai. It is
    located nearby our office. Are you aware of this?

    Keep mailing.

    All others need not sit just outside the ring and watch the
    happenings. Please join us and give a punch or two to your rivals.



  4. I understand you perfectly Natesan.. its pretty much the same as when i went to Bangalore and later to Chennai... feeling of insecurity.. feeling that you may be attacked any time.. by caste, religion, language...

    You are right. There is no home away from home. Be at home.
    Btw -- when did you go to your home last time?

  5. Dear friends,

    This is sequel to my earlier mail on the racial attcks that are raging on in Australia presently. I have been following comments and opinions of people who have lived or settled in Australia on how to survive these attacks.

    Following points are quoted from an advisory, an Indian who took Australian citizenship is giving to his fellow "Australians" and the prospective "Australians"

    My sincere advice to all those who crossed the Atlantic ocean and the Pacefic Ocean is.... never stoop to conquer. Please remember: There is no home away from home. All feelings in the contrary are just illusions



    10) Try not to keep any moustaches and beards as it is not looked upon favourably here in Australia and when you keep them you are just making an odd man out for yourself. It will not be easy for an attacker to target you as Indian if you groom yourself well. As majority of Indians keep moustaches they make others easily recognise them that they have Indian origin. Once again I repeat moustaches and beards are not looked upon favourably in Australia. Removing moustaches and beards is still a far better option rather than risking your life! You may encounter any teenager or group of teenagers (who have lot of stress build up in them because their parents are split and they have no money to maintain their girl friend/s). He may identify you easily as an Indian from your moustaches and will make you as a "soft target". This can be the reason why out of all Asian communities only Indians are targetted by the attackers.

    11) If you are walking alone on the road and you see a group of teenagers approaching towards you, don't try to be a hero; rather change your track and walk on the other side. Always remember: prevention is better than cure.

    12) Always remember: "You" are the one who came to "Their" land. Try to mix up with them and understand their culture. "They" will not come looking for you to start friendship.


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