Sunday, November 1, 2009

A message from my armchair

Dear friends,

At the outset, let me inform you that right now I am well ensconced in my armchair. The surrounding temperature is set at around 20 degree Celsius, no matter if the outside temperature at this point of time is as high as 35 degrees (time is 2320 IST). Yesterday, in our own country, two significant incidents took place.Today one of such thing took place.
First one took place at around 5am in the morning. One person in Chennai has simply stolen a suburban train and ran it at a speed of 90KMPH. It passed by one of the very important stations in Chennai. After running for around 7 kilometers, it rammed into a goods train. The horror behind this could have been multiplied beyond imagination, had this train hit a passenger train which was just behind the goods train. The billion dollar question is how a person could steal a train?
Second is about a helicopter. A highly sophisticated remote controlled toy helicopter landed on the parliament lawns. In spite of all boasts of fool proof security, this did happen. Who did this is a question worth another billion dollar.
Today the third incident took place. One part of India voted. The average turn out was just 48 to 50%. That means, more than 50% of the voters preferred not to vote. While the poor and the lower strata of the society queue up for voting, the apartment dwelling middle class as usual show their arrogance. Mumbai recorded a turnout of 40%. The apartment dwellers, like me, must be sitting in their armchairs and passing comments right now!! they must be dreaming of a military rule or an autocratic rule!!!
My soul is stirred up. The heart feels heavy. But my feelings may never make any difference. Still I just wanted to relieve my anguish by sharing it with you all....


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