Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Disert Living - 5

One more big crane has joined our work site today. It has a boom length of more than 100 meters. With the arrival of this crane, any erection here looks so simple now.
In the morning today, we were standing inside the gatehouse of the project. It is under construction. We were checking the electrical wiring inside the room. Suddenly one little bird flew from no where and hit against the glass window of the gate house, fell down and died. It took just a few seconds, not even a minute for the entire incident to take place. The bird was sitting somewhere inside the gate house. When it spotted us, it got frightened and tried to fly away. It did panic and in the fear, it could not recognize the presence of the glass on its flight path. The nervous bird hit against the glass. The scene made me sad.
After a few moments, the sweepers came there and they just picked the bird and dumped in the bin. There ends a humble life. What would God have thought of this incident at that moment? Did He really plan the end of this poor creature like this? I doubt. My sadness dissolved into thin air soon when I invoked Gandhi’s thoughts . I have to fill my purse with him. I moved on. May the little noble soul rest in peace.
Just a couple of days ago, there took place a tragedy in Rajastan, involving a Malayali family. The husband, wife and their young son were on their way from Keralam to their work place in Rajastan. From the railway station, they took the service of a bus to their destination. The bus met with an accident in which both the husband and the wife died. The little kid is in hospital with grave injuries. A happy family has just disappeared. Again, it took just a few seconds, not even a minute to undo what had been built in their life time. Here we realize the hollowness of this life. The uncertainty involved. The bubble bursts so easily . Edifices of ego, pride, hatred and materialistic comforts may come crashing down in no time, at the most inopportune moment. Ok ok, I am venturing into philosophy. It is unwarranted. Let us live our life the way we want to, but let us make sure that we do not hurt anyone in this process. When I came across the news item about people selling life saving medicines in Keralam at 100 to 1000 times their original cost, I could not help but scribble this much.
In Syria every adult male has to serve in the army compulsorily for two years. The citizens who served in the army say it is extremely hard but unavoidable. No doubt military service is tough. Less food, no entertainment, over dose of discipline and hard work, all converged in one place. That is what an army camp is. But, the training makes the guys tough. They are moulded into more disciplined citizens ready to face any challenges. They are made physically and mentally strong. There are loop holes also to avoid the military training. If anyone is willing to pay 3000 USD to the government, he need not serve the force. Look, again, money can buy anything. Even patriotism can stand behind money. The money that could make ‘S’ dagger is certainly capable of pushing behind everything as it wishes.
Climate is becoming cooler by the day here. Temperature dips low in the night. Day time is very pleasant. A milder sun with heavy wind makes life less punishing. People started wearing sweaters in the evenings. As the harbinger of winter, days get shorter. Temperature may dip to minus degrees in the coming months. Along with heavy rains, we may be living in a snow land soon. I am waiting for this new experience - the sight of ice in the desert. Hopefully I will be able to witness this.
Government will turn the clock ahead by one hour soon. Thank God, they are not planning to turn it back! In many countries like Pak, Afghanistan and KSA, they do this. Probably by the second week of October, Syrian time will be one hour ahead, that means, the time difference between India and Syria will become 3 ½ from 2 ½ hours as at present.
I forgot the tell about a missile fall. A missile fell near by our campus a few days back. Pictures of the remnants are here. It is a Russian made missile. It still not known how it fell here. With a chill down my spine, I just try to think, if this missile had fallen on our campus.

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